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1 Welcome!



4 One Day, Three Goals 1.Identify trends and major roadblocks related to building extremely large databases 2.Bridge the gap between users trying to build extremely large databases and database vendors 3.Understand if and how open source projects like the LSST Database can contribute to the previous two goals in the next few years

5 Things We Talked About

6 Valuable data discarded due to scalability limits and cost

7 Substantial commonalities between science & industry (pattern discovery, multi-d aggregation, unpredictable query load, procedural language needs, …)

8 Industry leading scale, science leading complexity of analytics

9 Parallel, shared-nothing architectures on commodity clusters are becoming very popular

10 Roadblocks: funding problems, vendor-users disconnect, science-academia disconnect

11 Rebuilding, not reusing software

12 Gap between needs and what vendors offer is widening

13 Structured and unstructured data coming together

14 MapReduce popular, but lacks efficient joins

15 Things We Decided

16  Conduct another workshop in ~1 year, 2-3 days, @SLAC –Don’t expand size much –By-invitation only –Focus on experience sharing, commonalities that can be developed into community-wide requirements 

17  Try to setup smaller workshop and/or working group(s) –In particular science – db academics 

18  Set up shared infrastructure –Initially wiki, possibly test-bed environments 

19  Try to define a standard benchmark focused on data-intensive queries


21 Two Days, Three Goals 1.Continue to understand major roadblocks related to extremely large databases with an emphasis on complex analytics 2.Continue bridging the gaps within the XLDB community including science, industry, database researchers and vendors 3.Build the open source SciDB community

22 It Is All About Ad-hoc Discussions *You are expected to speak up too –But no sale speeches, please *Discussions are not electronically recorded *Detailed report will be released –Once OK’ed by workshop participants

23 Attendance – Rough Breakdown xldb1xldb2 2325Data-intensive scientific users 1112Data-intensive industrial users 1612Vendors, incl. startups 313Academia, db research & programmers 5362

24 Attendance – Rough Breakdown 1.Big science 2.Big industries 3.All major DBMS vendors 4.Very promising startups 5.World-class DB researchers 6.Superstar DB programmers If this group won’t make a difference, who will?

25 Dinner *Location –Sheraton Palo Alto –Driving directions available *Reception –7:00 pm – 7:30 pm *Dinner –7:30 pm – 10:00 pm –Buffet *Cost –Free –Maybe except the valet parking Make sure you wear your XLDB2 badge

26 BIG Thanks to Our Sponsors

27 Agenda

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