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Eugenics and Bioethics: two interconnected histories HSCI E137 Feb 2, 2011 Announcements: After-class section meets tonight.

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Presentation on theme: "Eugenics and Bioethics: two interconnected histories HSCI E137 Feb 2, 2011 Announcements: After-class section meets tonight."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eugenics and Bioethics: two interconnected histories HSCI E137 Feb 2, 2011 Announcements: After-class section meets tonight in G135 Online section begins Sun Feb 6, 7-8 pm Introduce yourself on the website discussion forum

2 Eugenics The term was coined by Galton in 1883; eugenics became a movement in the early twentieth century, in certain scientific and social contexts. Worked by using Mendelian templates both for physical and mental traits: improvement of the race through better breeding.

3 “The Direct Cost of the Socially Inadequate To New York State” Popular article, 1928

4 Eugenics tree logo, circa 1925

5 “The Burden of the Feeble-Minded” (1913) Heredity chart of Emma W, born February 11, 1889 (darkened circles indicate “mental defective”)

6 Kansas State Free Fair, Topeka, Fitter Families Contest examining staff and “sweepstakes” winning family (1920) Positive eugenics: the encouragement of the breeding of the “fit”

7 “Every 15 seconds $100 of your money goes for the care of persons with bad heredity.” Flashing light sign used with small exhibits Fitter Families Contest, 1926 Negative eugenics: prevention of the “unfit” from breeding

8 Negative eugenics laws: Marriage restriction between the races Compulsory sterilization of “degenerates” Immigration restriction

9 Dedicated institutions of eugenics Eugenics Record Office (Davenport and Laughlin) American Breeders Association Race Betterment Foundation

10 Brochure, circa 1927, Eugenics Record Office: “Every marriage is an experiment in heredity.”

11 Eugenics laws Against race mixing –Madison Grant, Passing of the Great Race (1916) –Calvin Coolidge: “Biological laws tell us certain divergent people should not mix or blend.” –1924 Virginia Racial Integrity Act

12 “The New Virginia Law To Preserve Racial Integrity passed the House March 8, 1924, and is now a law of the State.” Virginia Health Bulletin 16 (March 1924)

13 Eugenics laws Compulsory sterilization –1914, Laughlin’s “Model Eugenical Sterilization Law” –1924, Virginia passed Eugenical Sterilization Act based on Laughlin’s model law Challenged in Buck v. Bell (1927), but upheld by Supreme Court; Holmes wrote: “Three generations of imbeciles are enough.”

14 Bar chart shows 21,539 sterilizations as of Jan 1, 1935 (Harry Laughlin papers, Truman State University)

15 Eugenics laws Immigration restriction –1924, Laughlin testified to Congress on an Immigration Restriction Bill-- resulted in Act of 1924

16 Reclaiming of eugenics in the 1960s Muller: “The odious perversions of the subject should not blind us longer to a set of hard truths and of genuine ethical values….If these truths are recognized…they may open the way to an immeasurable extension and enhancement of the potentialities of human existence.” (1961)

17 Reclaiming eugenics Sinsheimer: “Today there is much talk about the possibility of human genetic modification. A new eugenics has arisen…. For the first time in all time a living creature understands its origin and can undertake to design its future.” (1969)

18 Reclaiming eugenics Watson: “If we could honestly promise young couples that we knew how to give them offspring with superior character, why should we assume they would decline?… Common sense tells us that if scientists find ways to greatly improve human capabilities, there would be no stopping the public from happily seizing them.” (1996)

19 History of bioethics First Code of Ethics of AMA (1847) Nuremberg Code (1947) Declaration of Helsinki (1964) The Tuskegee Syphilis Study (1932-1972) The Belmont Report (1979)

20 History of bioethics Bioethics as reactive The historical trajectory from paternalism to empowerment The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks as a history of bioethics

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