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A Woman’s Place. Team Officers  Hsueh Ting Chou: Leader  Martin Sanchez: Communications Officer  Alex Chow: Recorder  Rafael Granados: Webmaster 

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Presentation on theme: "A Woman’s Place. Team Officers  Hsueh Ting Chou: Leader  Martin Sanchez: Communications Officer  Alex Chow: Recorder  Rafael Granados: Webmaster "— Presentation transcript:

1 A Woman’s Place

2 Team Officers  Hsueh Ting Chou: Leader  Martin Sanchez: Communications Officer  Alex Chow: Recorder  Rafael Granados: Webmaster  Bryan Chiem: Webmaster  Ashley Chiang: Documentation Specialist  Roberto Rios: Security Specialist

3 Mission  A Woman’s Place To Provide aid and support to victims of sexual assault and domestic violence for the County of Merced.

4 Spring Semester Objectives 1. Continue work on Prototype and update it to a new server. 2. Update current website to Plone and work on content, layout and functionality.

5 Programming the Prototype  Plone is a Content Management System that is built upon the Zope Server Application.  The Zope server application is object oriented and allows use to build our custom content types or Archetypes.  Our Archetype was called Contact Card and was installed on a local development Zope server.

6 Purchasing Server  Finding space for new server  Connect to a Main Computer  Domain Name

7 Computer System  AWP ( Computer Specs)  Windows 98  200 MB of RAM  Free space on Hard-Drive  Internet Connection  Microsoft Office

8 Future Updates  Network computers to 1 printer  Connect computers to Internet  Update to Open Office (open source)  Basic Computer training

9 Plone  Plone is an open source content manager that is built on object-oriented Zope application server.  Plone can run on various platforms and has support for internationalization, and complies with accessibility and usability standards.  Plone is good to be used for intranet and extranet servers, document publishing, portal server, and groupware, which is used for collaboration between separately located places.

10 AWP applications using Plone  Searchable contact information  Live Search  Security and Restrictions  Online: Accessible from any computer

11 Plone Server Options  We need server space because it is an online application  Plone can run on an existing server  Plone could run on a headless server made from one of the computers  Plone could run off a machine that somebody is using

12 Summary  Setting up the new computers with operating system and internet network  Check infrastructure on computers and fix those that are not working.  Advance work on the prototype  Transfer website/server information to new server

13 Recommendations  Outfit any office computers in Windows and others in Linux  Purchase a bigger server suitable for AWP

14 Contact Info.  Hsueh Ting Chou   Martin Sanchez:  Alex Chow:  Rafael Granados:  Ashley Chiang  Bryan Chiem  Roberto Rios

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