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COMP 6703 eScience Project Semantic Web for Museums Student : Lei Junran Client/Technical Supervisor : Tom Worthington Academic Supervisor : Peter Strazdins.

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Presentation on theme: "COMP 6703 eScience Project Semantic Web for Museums Student : Lei Junran Client/Technical Supervisor : Tom Worthington Academic Supervisor : Peter Strazdins."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMP 6703 eScience Project Semantic Web for Museums Student : Lei Junran Client/Technical Supervisor : Tom Worthington Academic Supervisor : Peter Strazdins Period : 2006 Semester 1

2 What is in my presentation Introduction to the Project –What is Semantic Web? –Why use Semantic Web for Museums –Project Context –Project Content Project Requirements Project Schedule

3 What Semantic Web can do? Most of the Web's content today is designed for humans to read. Content of Semantic Web is meaningful to computers Allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries.

4 One Simple Example Search keyword “Computer” in google Search keyword “Computer” in a semantic web demo system



7 Why Semantic Web for Museum Provide museums a more flexible way to catalog their materials and share digital representations of it. Represent the future form of web content

8 Project Context A week long workshop –By Mr Tom Worthington –About the use of technology for museums of the Pacific islands region –Recommendation: building an on-line repository of materials from across the Pacific museums

9 Project Context A previous project under the same topic –By a computer science student at ANU –Investigating how museum online archive could be done using the Semantic Web –Results: further work on this approach would be worthwhile

10 Project Content What I ‘ll do in this project? What technologies are involved?

11 What I ‘ll do in this project? Develop an effective semantic web archive system for museums Some research components produced during the development process.

12 What Major technologies are involved? Metadata RDF Ontology Repository

13 Project Requirements – Business Requirements Promote collaboration and knowledge sharing between museums Create a resource and knowledge management network or a regional digital archive of materials among museums Help the Museum Community preserve their distinct cultural heritage knowledge for future generations

14 Project Requirements – Client Requirements How to present semantic data to users. Design usable semantic web interface specifically for museums. Design or select metadata suitable to museum situation. Design or select RDF, Ontology, repository, and other components suitable to museum situation.

15 Project Requirements – Client Requirements What tools and standards should be used? Select suitable tools and standards for the project context. Produce an exercisable and effective online semantic archive system among museums.

16 Project Requirements – User Requirements Provide online digital archive system. For the limited technical staff, equipment and telecommunication links of the region. Access and use by scholarly, non expert users and general public.

17 Project Schedule Microsoft Project is a good tool to manage project –Timetable & Gantt chart - See attachment

18 Reference 1. Report on a Workshop on the Use of Technology for Museums of the Pacific Islands Region 2005” – Tom Worthington 2.“Digital Heritage for South Pacific Museums Project Findings and Report” -- Kwok Chung, Yew 3.The Semantic Web, Scientific American, May 2001 -- Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler, Ora Lassila 4.Semantic Web -- W3C 5.Sustainable Online Technology for Museums of the Pacific Islands Region – Tom Worthington

19 Reference 6. - Tom Worthington 7. - Tom Worthington 8.Semantic Web Road map - Tim Berners-Lee 9.Semantic Web demo - 10.Chris Blackall's Research Notepad: tml - Chris Blackall tml Making a Semantic Web - Joshua Allen

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