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Outline: Normal Fault Systems and Kinematics Planar Faults and Block Rotation Detachment Faulting Fault Linkage Kinematics of Normal Faulting.

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Presentation on theme: "Outline: Normal Fault Systems and Kinematics Planar Faults and Block Rotation Detachment Faulting Fault Linkage Kinematics of Normal Faulting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outline: Normal Fault Systems and Kinematics Planar Faults and Block Rotation Detachment Faulting Fault Linkage Kinematics of Normal Faulting

2 Development of Continental Rift into Ocean Basin

3 East African Rift Segmentation



6 Basin and Range Normal Fault Blocks

7 Rio Grande Rift Segmentation

8 Death Valley Fault Zone Fault Stepover

9 Closeup of Stepover

10 Planar Normal Faults and Block Rotation


12 Domino Block Example


14 Detachment Fault



17 Soft-Linked Systems

18 Kinematics of Normal Faulting Domino, Bookshelf-Style Normal Faulting Listric Normal Faulting with Reverse Drag Imbricate Listric Normal Faulting Inversion

19 Domino-Style Normal Faulting

20 Domino-Style Normal Faulting (bookshelf faulting) Occurs above Detachment faults

21 Listric-Planar Normal Fault System ???

22 Listric-Planar Normal Fault System L

23 Listric Normal Faulting with Reverse Drag

24 Listric Normal Faulting with Rollover Occurs due to space problem with curved detachment

25 Imbricate Listric Normal Faulting Synthetic faults also accommodate collapse of HW block

26 Imbricate Listric Normal Faulting “Meatslices common in large displacement systems

27 Inversion Normal faulting Syn-tectonic deposition of B Post-tectonic deposition of C

28 Inversion Normal faulting Syn-tectonic deposition of B Post-tectonic deposition of C Thrust faulting Deformation of B and folding of C

29 References Slides 1, 20, 21 Twiss, R. J. and E. M. Moores, Structural Geology, W. H. Freeman & Co., New York, 532 p., 1992. Slides 3-6 Slides 7-9 Slide 10 Slides 12-19 Davis. G. H. and S. J. Reynolds, Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 776 p., 1996.

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