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Announcements Solutions to Homework 3 are posted on web site. Test next week: Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday (your choice); at testing center; one hour.

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Presentation on theme: "Announcements Solutions to Homework 3 are posted on web site. Test next week: Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday (your choice); at testing center; one hour."— Presentation transcript:

1 Announcements Solutions to Homework 3 are posted on web site. Test next week: Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday (your choice); at testing center; one hour time limit; no calculators; covers through today’s lecture, homework 1-3, chapters 1, 4, most of 5.

2 Kepler and Galileo 11 September 2003

3 Today: How Johannes Kepler found a much more accurate scheme for predicting planetary positions, based on new mathematical laws How Galileo, using the newly invented telescope, discovered startling facts about the sun, moon, stars, and planets

4 Tycho Brahe Danish astronomer, 1546 - 1601 Tycho made highly accurate (within 1/60 degree) naked- eye observations of the positions of stars and planets over many years. He proposed a compromise model in which all the other planets orbit the sun, but the sun orbits the earth.

5 Johannes Kepler German astronomer, 1571 - 1630 Kepler worked under Tycho during 1600 - 1601, then inherited the records of Tycho’s detailed observations. He accepted the Copernican hypothesis, but abandoned the assumption that all motions are circular.

6 The Orbit of Mars based on Tycho’s observations Earth Toward Mars

7 The Orbit of Mars Earth 1.9 years later

8 The Orbit of Mars

9 The Orbit is an Ellipse! Focus The sun is at one focus; there’s nothing at the other.

10 Planets go faster when they’re close to the sun A line drawn from the sun to the planet sweeps out equal areas in equal times.

11 Outer planets move slower than inner planets. Time (yr)Radius (AU) Mercury0.240.39 Venus0.610.72 Earth1.00 Mars1.881.52 Jupiter11.865.20 Saturn29.469.54

12 Outer planets move slower than inner planets. Time (yr)Radius (AU)(Time) 2 (Radius) 3 Mercury0.240.39 Venus0.610.720.37 Earth1.00 Mars1.881.52 Jupiter11.865.20 Saturn29.469.54

13 Outer planets move slower than inner planets. Time (yr)Radius (AU)(Time) 2 (Radius) 3 Mercury0.240.390.0580.059 Venus0.610.720.37 Earth1.00 Mars1.881.523.533.51 Jupiter11.865.20140.7140.6 Saturn29.469.54867.9868.3 (Time in years) 2 = (Radius in AU) 3

14 Kepler’s Laws 1.Orbits are ellipses, with sun at one focus. 2.Equal areas in equal times (faster when close to sun) 3.(Time in years) 2 = (Radius in AU) 3 Bottom line: The universe speaks math!

15 Galileo Galilei Italian scientist, 1564 - 1642 Made one of the first telescopes, and pointed it at the heavens...

16 Siderius Nuncius (The Starry Messenger) Venice, 1610 (Written in Italian, not Latin!)

17 Lunar topography... Sunspots...

18 Many new stars...

19 New “planets” orbiting Jupiter... At least some planets don’t orbit the earth; and earth isn’t the only planet with a “moon”!

20 Phases of Venus... Venus, at least, must orbit the sun, not the earth.

21 What happened to Galileo? He became famous (not just among astronomers) He started advocating Copernicanism (and ridiculing those who disagreed) Condemned by the Church, placed under house arrest

22 A final thought... Copernicus was Polish, Tycho Danish, Kepler German, Galileo Italian, Newton English. So what? Science belongs to everyone.

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