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Introduction to Computing. Computer History Charles Babbage Born December 26, 1791 in Teignmouth, Devonshire UK, Died 1871, London; Known to some as.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Computing. Computer History Charles Babbage Born December 26, 1791 in Teignmouth, Devonshire UK, Died 1871, London; Known to some as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Computing

2 Computer History

3 Charles Babbage Born December 26, 1791 in Teignmouth, Devonshire UK, Died 1871, London; Known to some as the "Father of Computing" for his contributions to the basic design of the computer through his Analytical machine. His previous Difference Engine was a special purpose device intended for the production of tables.

4 Ada Augusta King Countess of Lovelace The first programmer

5 The Analytical Engine of Charles Babbage was never completed in his lifetime, but his son Henry Provost Babbage built the "mill" portion of the machine from his father's drawings, and on January 21, 1888 computed multiples of pi to prove the adequacy of the design. Perhaps this represents the first successful test of a portion of a "modern" computer. Recently a portion of his earlier machine, the Difference Engine, was sold at auction by Christies of London to the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney, Australia.

6 … on February 14, 1946 the University of Pennsylvania unveiled the ENIAC, designed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, for the purpose of computing firing tables for the Aberdeen Proving Ground. Though arguably not the first "computer“… ENIAC was the first fully operational electronic, general purpose, machine. … programming was essentially completed by rewiring and the stored memory was not yet implemented, ENIAC was a parallel processor well ahead of its time.

7 Thomas J. Watson, Sr....he is often credited with the statement that "the world only needs three computers"

8 IBM System 360

9 Automatic loom which wove patterns controlled by a linked sequence of punched cards

10 First Transistor Year : 1947 Inventors John Bardeen Walter Brattain William Shockley They all won Nobel prize in 1956


12 ENIAC This is only 1/10th of the original. It was announced on February 14th, 1946.

13 John Louis von Neumann Born 28 December 1903, Budapest, Hungary; Died 8 February 1957, Washington DC; Brilliant mathematician, synthesizer, and promoter of the stored program concept, … … - the von Neumann Architecture

14 Alan Turing Born 23 June 1912, London; Died 7 June 1954, Manchester England; Pioneer in developing computer logic as we know it today. One of the first to approach the topic of artificial intelligence.

15 Number Systems Decimal System Base 10 Binary System Base 2 Octal System Base 8 Hexadecimal System Base 16

16 Decimal Number System Base 10 system (Ten digits: 0, 1, 2, …, 9) Counting process –Every digit goes through a cycle 0  9 After a complete cycle of a lower significant digit (0 through 9) immediately higher digit is incremented by 1, while the lower significant digit is reset to 0. 0  1  2  …9  10  11  …19  20  21 and so on

17 Decimal Number System Expanded form –5429 = 5,000 + 400 + 20 + 9 OR –5,429 = 5x10 3 + 4x10 2 + 2x10 1 + 9x10 0 Addition –Carry Subtraction –Borrow –Negative number

18 Binary Number System Base 2 system (2 digits; 0, 1) Counting 0,1,10,11,100,101,110,111,1000,…

19 Binary Number System Expanded form –(110010) 2 = 1x2 5 + 1x2 4 + 1x2 1 = 32 + 16 + 2 = (50) 10 –Addition

20 Binary Number System Subtraction (M-N) –M ≥ N –M < N Compute N-M Multiply the answer by -1 010 110113 -0110-6 0111 7

21 Binary Number System N zeros

22 Binary Number System Radix Diminished Complement –(r-1)’s complement  1’s complement If N is n digit number 1’s complement of N is (2 n -1)-N –Example N=1010  n=4 2 4 – 1 = 10000 – 1 = 1111 1111 – 1010 = 0101 is 1’s complement of 1010

23 Binary Number System Radix complement –r’s complement  2’s complement If N is n digit number 2’s complement of N is 2 n - N –Example N=1010  n=4 2 4 = 10000 10000 – 1010 = 0110 is 2’s complement of 1010 –2’s complement of N = 1’s complement of N + 1

24 Binary Number System Using 2’s complement in subtraction –To evaluate M – N Let P = 2’s complement of N Calculate S = M + P If there is an “end carry”, discard it. Subtraction is complete If there is no “end carry”, take 2’s complement of S and associate a negative sign with the result.

25 Binary Number System Example –Evaluate the following using 2’s complement. Verify in decimal system. 1010100 – 1000011  84 – 67 = 17 1000011 – 1010100  67 – 84 = -17

26 Decimal & Binary conversion Convert (289) 10 into binary Convert (10111010) 2 into decimal Convert (0.289) 10 into binary Convert (0.10111010) 2 into decimal

27 Hexadecimal Number System Base 16 system (0,1,…,9,A,B,…F digits) –A  (10) 10 –F  (15) 10 Counting –0,1,2,…,A,B,…,E,F,10,11,…1E,1F,20,… Decimal Equivalents –(10) 16 = (1 x 16 1 ) + (0 x 16 0 ) = (16) 10 –(F2) 16 = (15 x 16 1 ) + (2 x 16 0 ) = (242) 10

28 Hexadecimal Number System –Hexadecimal & decimal conversions (462) 10  (?) 16 (462) 16  (?) 10 (0.462) 10  (?) 16 (0.462) 16  (?) 10

29 Hexadecimal Number System Binary & Hexadecimal Conversions –Combine 4 binary digits into a hexadecimal number –Break each hexadecimal digit into 4 binary digits

30 Hexadecimal& Binary Conversion 8 4 2 1

31 Hexadecimal& Binary Conversion

32 Power of 2 Inventor of chess All that he asked was to place one grain of rice on the first box and keep on doubling Money Game I will give you Rs 100,000 everyday for 30 days. You will give me 1 paisa on the 1 st day but will double the amount every day for 30 days. –2 30 -1 ~ 10.7 x 10 8

33 Computer Architecture Arithmetic Logic Unit ALU Control Unit CU Datapath Memory Input/Output CPU

34 Memory Organization AddressData/Instructions 0 1 2 65536 65534 65535 00011111 8 bits = 1 byte 64 Kilo byte RAM = 65,536 bytes of RAM Needs 16 address lines

35 Memory Addresses =4 M4194304 22 =2 M209715221 =1 M104857620 =512 K52428819 =256 K26214418 =128 K13107217 =64 K6553616 =32 K3276815 =16 K1638414 =8 K819213 =4 K409612 =2 K204811 =1 K102410 5129 2568 1287 646 32 5 164 83 42 2 1 Memory LocationsAddress Lines

36 Address & Data Bus CPU Address Bus Memory Data Bus

37 Signed Numbers 0  +ive sign 1  -ive sign 0000  0 1000  0 0001  1 1001  -1 0101  5 1101  -5 0111  8 1111  -8

38 Software Set of instructions for the computer. A=5 B=3 C=A+B Print C on the terminal


40 Operating System Software that –efficiently utilizes computer resources –resolves issues among various computer processes Competing processes Cooperating processes Windows95 is what Macintosh was in 85

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