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Artists & Activists of the 1960s “We are people of this generation, bred in at least modest comfort, housed now in universities, looking uncomfortably.

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Presentation on theme: "Artists & Activists of the 1960s “We are people of this generation, bred in at least modest comfort, housed now in universities, looking uncomfortably."— Presentation transcript:

1 Artists & Activists of the 1960s “We are people of this generation, bred in at least modest comfort, housed now in universities, looking uncomfortably to the world we inherit.” –SDS statement

2 The Ones Who Didn’t Drop Out Port Huron Statement (1962) –SDS founded in Michigan (why?) –Two great student causes of 1960s Civil Rights Movement (1955-1964) –MLK Jr. too “moderate”? Is voting enough? –Civil disobedience vs. fighting back –Radical challenges from Malcolm (1965) & Stokely (1966) – Black Power explodes –Civil Rights Act of 1963: “LBJ All the Way” Berkeley Free Speech Movement, 1964Berkeley Free Speech Movement –Mario Savio (1943-1996)


4 The Ones Who Dropped Out Beats at first an obscure artistic movement –Mainly writing, some music, painting & film –Self-exiled from mainstream society & culture like many 20 th -century artistic movements –“Deprogramming” with sex, drugs, music, motion –Ginsberg & Snyder later become politically active Ginsberg in anti-war movement Snyder as environmental poet, prophet of deep ecology –Kerouac pays price of fame – dies a fat old drunk More traditional than the “roman candles” he follows Many sequels never equal success of On the Road

5 West Coast Renaissance Beat culture quickly mainstreams via media –First “hippies” (Ken Kesey & Co. at Stanford in the mid-60s) trying to live On the Road (w/”Dean”at the wheel!) –San Francisco’s North Beach scene Old California mystique, Beat writers, Diggers, UC Berkeley influence? 1967, Haight Ashbury “Summer of Love”

6 On the Road -- end of the West America: motion, relocation, running away –Walt Whitman, “Song of the Open Road” (1856)Song of the Open Road Sal: the artist in search of a vision –Torn between East and West, tradition & innovation Dean: the “cowboy crashing” –All jacked up and nowhere to go –Slotkin, Gunfighter Nation: The Myth of the Frontier in Twentieth-Century America (1992)

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