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Chapter 0 Introduction
2 Chapter 0: Introduction 0.1 The Role of Algorithms 0.2 The Origins of Computing Machines 0.3 The Science of Algorithms 0.4 Abstraction 0.5 An Outline of Our Study 0.6 Social Repercussions
3 Chapter 0: Introduction Computer science is the discipline that seeks to build a scientific foundation for such topics as computer design, computer programming, information processing …etc. Computer science provides the underpinnings for today’s computer applications as well as the foundations for tomorrow’s applications.
4 Algorithms: Definitions Algorithm = a set of steps that defines how a task is performed. Program = a representation of an algorithm. Programming = the process of developing a program. Software = programs + algorithms. Hardware = machinery: whatever isn ’ t software.
5 History of Algorithms The study of algorithms was originally a subject in mathematics. Algorithms were studied before computers existed. Early examples of algorithms Long division algorithm Euclidean Algorithm G ö del's Incompleteness Theorem: some problems cannot be solved by algorithms
6 Figure 0.2 The Euclidean algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor of two positive integers
7 Origins of Computing Machines Early computing devices Abacus: positions of beads represent numbers Gear-based machines (1600s-1800s) Positions of gears represent numbers Blaise Pascal, Wilhelm Leibniz, Charles Babbage
8 Figure 0.3 An Abacus
9 Origins of Computing Machines Early data storage: punched cards First used in Jacquard Loom (1801) to store patterns for weaving cloth Stored programs in Babbage ’ s Analytical Engine Popular through the 1970 ’ s
10 Early computers Based on mechanical relays 1940: Stibitz at Bell Laboratories 1944: Mark I: Howard Aiken and IBM at Harvard Based on vacuum tubes 1937-1941: Atanasoff-Berry at Iowa State 1940s: Colossus: secret German code-breaker 1940s: ENIAC: Mauchly & Eckert at U. of Penn.
11 Personal computers First used by hobbyists 1981: IBM introduces the PC Accepted by business Became the standard hardware design for most desktop computers Most PCs use software from Microsoft
12 Figure 0.4 The Mark I computer
13 電腦的演進 1642 巴斯卡加法器 1804 法國織布工人查卡得發明能用不同打孔卡片自動 來編織圖案的織布機 1822 英國劍橋大學的巴貝奇發明差分機,可做簡單的 四則運算差分機 1833 巴貝奇建造分析機失敗,但分析機構想已具有今 日電腦的基本結構,巴貝奇因而有「電腦之父」的尊 稱。 巴貝奇 1886 美國何樂里設計出以打孔卡片來儲存資料的計算 機器 1906 美國費樂斯 (Forest) 發明了真空管真空管
14 電腦之父 — 巴貝奇 (babbage)
15 巴貝奇的差分機
16 電腦的演進 1939 美國愛荷華州立大學製造出第一部電腦 ABC 1946 美國賓州大學和軍方合作製造出 ENIAC 電腦,范 紐曼提出內儲程式的觀念,被譽為「電子電腦之父」范 紐曼 1947 美國貝爾實驗室發明了電晶體 1949 英國劍橋大學完成第一部大型內儲程式電腦 EDSAC EDSAC 1951 美國 Sperry Rand 公司生產 UNIVAC-1 ,第一部大 量製造的商業電腦
17 電腦的演進 (cont.) 1954 美國貝爾實驗室製出第一台以電晶體為主 要元件的電腦 (TRADIC) 1958 美國德州儀器公司發明了積體電路 (IC Integrated Circuit 1964 美國國際商業機器公司 (IBM) 用 IC 為主元件 開發出 System360 電腦 1970 開始有電腦使用超大型積体電腦 (VLSI)
18 電腦的演進 (cont.) 1971 美國 Intel 公司發表第一個微處理機 4004 1977 美國 Apple 公司推出 APPLE II 電腦:採封閉 性硬体系統架構。 APPLE II 1981 美國 IBM 公司推出個人電腦,稱為 IBM PC : 採開放性硬体系統架構,造成 IBM 相容型電腦的 大量生產。 1993, Pentium
19 范紐曼 (Von Neumann)
20 真空管為元件的電腦
21 EDSAC – 1949 劍橋大學
23 Computer Science The science of algorithms Draws from other subjects, including Mathematics Engineering Psychology Business Administration
24 Central Questions of Computer Science Which problems can be solved by algorithmic processes? How can discovery of algorithms be made easier? How can techniques of representing and communicating algorithms be improved? How can our knowledge of algorithms and technology be applied to provide better machines? How can characteristics of different algorithms be analyzed and compared?
25 Figure 0.5 The central role of algorithms in computer science
26 Abstraction: Definitions Abstraction = the distinction between the external properties of an entity and the details of the entity ’ s internal composition. Abstract tool = a component of a larger system whose internal composition we ignore.
27 Uses of abstraction Abstraction allows us to use things we don ’ t fully understand. We all can use electrical devices, food, etc. that we either do not understand or cannot produce. Computer scientists can use algorithms implemented by others without understanding their details.
28 Outline of our study Design and construction of computing machines Chapter 1: Data storage Chapter 2: Data manipulation Chapter 3: Operating systems Chapter 4: Networks and the internet Chapter 5: Algorithms
29 Outline of our study (continued) Chapter 6: Programming languages Chapter 7: Software engineering Data organization Chapter 8: Data abstractions Chapter 9: Database systems Chapter 10: Artificial intelligence Chapter 11: Theory of computation
30 Social Repercussions Computers enable new activities, raising new questions: Law: software producer ’ s rights and liabilities Ethics: what newly enabled activities are immoral? Government: which newly enabled activities should be regulated? Society: how do computers affect our lives? This book should prepare the reader to participate intelligently in debates of these issues.
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