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Motion Planning for Robotic Manipulation of Deformable Linear Objects (DLOs) Mitul Saha, Pekka Isto, and Jean-Claude Latombe Research supported by NSF,

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Presentation on theme: "Motion Planning for Robotic Manipulation of Deformable Linear Objects (DLOs) Mitul Saha, Pekka Isto, and Jean-Claude Latombe Research supported by NSF,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Motion Planning for Robotic Manipulation of Deformable Linear Objects (DLOs) Mitul Saha, Pekka Isto, and Jean-Claude Latombe Research supported by NSF, ABB and GM Artificial Intelligence Lab Stanford University

2 Objective and Motivation Develop a motion planner to aid robot arms perform complex tasks with Deformable Linear Objects (DLOs) like tieing self-knots and knots around objects. –Examples of DLO are ropes, strings, surgical sutures, cables etc. Bowline knot Figure-8 knot Sailing knot Surgeon’s knot Robotic knot tying Manual knot tying

3 Objective and Motivation Push the state of the art in robotic manipulation –Manipulating DLOs is perhaps one of the most challenging tasks in robotics Possible Impact/Applications –Could open many new domains for robotics application Enhance manipulation skills of Humanoids assisting humans in their common life activities Automated surgery

4 The Manipulation Problem Defining goal configurations –Topological goal vs geometric goal - This leads to the development of a topological path planner Geometrically different but topologically same: Bowline knot

5 The Manipulation Problem Defining goal configurations - Topological goal (aka “Crossing Configuration”) is defined with respect to a reference plane Crossing Configuration: (C1, C2, C3, C4): ((1,-6) -, (-2,5) -, (3,-8) -, (-4,7) - ) Planar projection of the DLO central axis Crossings DLO

6 The Manipulation Problem - Reduced alternating-Alternating with embedded slip loops We focus on two types of common knots: Crossing Configuration: ((1,-6) -, (-2,5) -, (3,-8) -, (-4,7) - ) over under over

7 The problem: –Start from unwound (State-0) DLO configuration and achieve a configuration and achieve a configuration with desired topology Given: –Physics of the DLO as a state function f –Manipulator arms Starting configuration A final configuration with desired topology DLO

8 Our Planning Approach - Manipulation using 2 cooperating robot arms - Use of static sliding supports (“tri-fingers”) to provide structural support

9 Defining “Forming Sequence” –Knots can be tied, state-by-state, in the order defined by their “forming sequence” Forming Sequence: C 2, C 1, C 4, C 3 A substate

10 Defining “hierarchy of components” The curves in red are “curve-pieces”: c 12, c 23, c 34, c 45, c 56, c 67, c 78. The component Co is bounded by {c 12, c 56 }. II II I-aII I-bIII I II III

11 “Hierarchy of components” is used to determine where to place static sliding supports (“tri-fingers”)

12 Our “topological” motion planner is based on Probabilistic RoadMaps (PRMs) -Knot is tied state by state using the “forming sequence” Forming Sequence: C 2, C 1, C 4, C 3

13 Our “topological” motion planner is based on Probabilistic RoadMaps (PRMs) Sample a new DLO configuration by randomly perturbing the grasped point of an existing configuration dQ = J + u + (I - J + J) dq u: motion of grasp J : Jacobian J + : right psuedo-inverse of J dq: small random robot motion dQ: robot motion producing u Need to find collision free robot motion that produces u, the small random move of the grasped point Grasping robot fails Robot A Robot B DLO Robot B Robot A

14 Our “topological” motion planner is based on Probabilistic RoadMaps (PRMs) -Use the “hierarchy of components” to determine when to place static sliding supports (“tri-fingers”)

15 Tying “bowline” knot

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