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Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, UK1 History as part of context Manasawee (Jay) Kaenampornpan and Eamonn O’Neill {cspmk,

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, UK1 History as part of context Manasawee (Jay) Kaenampornpan and Eamonn O’Neill {cspmk,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, UK1 History as part of context Manasawee (Jay) Kaenampornpan and Eamonn O’Neill {cspmk, eamonn}

2 Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, UK2 Overview Provide a better understanding of context What to take into account as context? Design tool for Context Aware System

3 Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, UK3 Introduction Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Computing services will be everywhere in the environment – mobile & embedded Problems Explicit input Interfaces may be restricted in functions offered and usability User’s attention may be divided between several overlapping activities – multitasking Context: a solution?

4 Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, UK4 Past context classification systems

5 Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, UK5 Deriving a framework So we have… - User - Physical Environment - Technology - Social - Time

6 Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, UK6 Activity Theory approach Using Activity Theory to identify model elements and relate them together AT incorporates strong notions of tool mediation and social relations which are important in designing mobile and ubiquitous systems AT provides a standard form for describing human activity AT maps the relationships amongst the elements of a human activity model

7 Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, UK7 Activity Theory model Object Outcome Transformation Process Subject Tools Division of Labour Community Rules

8 Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, UK8 Example: Henry

9 Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, UK9 Current situation CURRENT STATE S 0 GOAL STATE S 1 “Object” (AT) END STATE S e “Outcome” (AT) Task/Activity Performed S0S0 S1S1 SeSe Object Outcome Transformation Process Subject Tools Division of Labour Community Rules

10 Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, UK10 History history history Humans often refer to experiences in the past while performing their current activity Example: Coffee shop

11 Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, UK11 Out come Transformation Process Division of Labor Community Rules User O bject Out come Transformation Process Division of Labor Community Rules User O bject Representing history Time 0 Time n Time Out come Transformation Process Division of Labour Community Rules Tools User O bject History of context at time n Tools S n = {AT 1, …, AT n } Time Time 1

12 Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, UK12 Simple Context Model, S 0 Inferring User’s Goal/Intention Refined Context Model, S 0 + S 1 “PRESENT” DATA INPUT (Uses “sensing”) (Data about S 0, i.e present state) Excludes user’s (current) goal/intention, S 1 INPUT “PAST” The history been stored/represented as a set of AT “Slices”? HISTORY INPUT (Data about S n, i.e. set of historical states) Includes user’s (current) goal/intention, S 1

13 Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, UK13 Ongoing work Design and implement a context aware system Scenario based design Knowledge representation design System architecture design Evaluate the system Using context, reduce explicit input Reduced explicit input, improve usability

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