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HRMS Trends: Partnering with Technology Jeanne Webb Mark Hillenbrand.

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Presentation on theme: "HRMS Trends: Partnering with Technology Jeanne Webb Mark Hillenbrand."— Presentation transcript:


2 HRMS Trends: Partnering with Technology Jeanne Webb Mark Hillenbrand

3 The Evolution: Human Resource Management Recordkeepers Legal Protectors Strategic Advisors 1 + 1 +...

4 Strategic HR: Driven By Changing Profiles of the Organization, Worker & Competition X Managing the Changing Workplace Z Global Z Workers - a mixed crew Z EEs, independents, telecommuters X Competition Z Global - work and workers Z Retaining key employees Z Keeping Pace With your Industry’s Technology Z competency mgmt & continuous gap analysis X Challenge Z Right People / Right Place / Right Time

5 The Current Situation... Value-Add 60% 30% 10% Planning Delivery Administration Planning Delivery Ad ministra tion 30% 60% Source: Reengineering Human Resources, Lyle M. Spencer, Jr., Ph.D. Today Tomorrow HR Activity

6 Comprehensive Connectivity Partners Business Customers Shipping Service Providers HRMS Financials Marketing Manufacturing Telecommuter Branch Manager Suppliers Employees Banks Government Intranet Extranet Internet The Extended Enterprise

7 Priorities, Priorities... X Goal - Become A Strategic Partner Z partner in driving and growing the business Z contribute to stakeholder wealth Z provide strategies for effective management of most expensive resource - the workers Z provide tools to minimize liabilities/exposure X No Time To Be Strategic? Why????? Z Dig Out From the Administrative Workload

8 Technology To The Rescue Workflow Push Technology Data Warehousing OLAP Internets & Intranets CBT Intelligent Agents Knowledge Management Systems Interactive Tools: voice kiosks

9 Workflow Step 1 - Identify the Event Step 2 - Define The Process Step 3 -Let Technology Take Over HIRE

10 Workflow Notification of Candidate Interview Request Availability to Interview Back to You with Interview Time: Please Confirm Drives You Through The Process Acts As A Reminder Please Confirm Thank You!

11 Internet / Intranets Maximize Service / Minimize Paper


13 OLAP X X Multi-Dimensional Analysis X X Cube: Present data as an n-dimensional “hypercube” X X Natural way to think of data X X employees, geographies, cost centers, positions X X Drill-down, drill-around is intuitive X X Frequently allow navigation on charts/graphs X X “Data surfing”, “slice and dice” X X OLAP is a technique for analyzing data, not a specific tool X X Some of the players: Cognos Powerplay; Arbor Essbase

14 Data Warehousing & OLAP X A powerful partnership Z Combine data from multiple repositories into 1 house Z perform multi-dimensional analysis through a variety of views Total Compensation Management sources HR Payroll Accounts Payable 3rd party Benefits Administrators HR Payroll Accts Payable 3rd Parties

15 Data Warehousing & OLAP X Demonstration Z Cognos PowerPlay

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