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‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ Welcome Annual General Meeting 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ Welcome Annual General Meeting 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ Welcome Annual General Meeting 2011

2 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ INTRODUCTIONS

3 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ Vice-President Communication & Involvement HOLLY SEABROOK Vice-President Academic Affairs KATE BRADSHAW Vice-President Activities & Development ANDREW CHEUNG President JO RHODES Vice-President Welfare & Equality HANNAH HORNE

4 7/15/20154 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ 1.Welcome & Introductions 2.Apologies for Absence 3.Minutes from the Annual General Meeting 2010 4.Presentation of the Audited Accounts for year ended 31 st July 2011 5.Appointment of Auditors for 2011-12 6.Approval of Students’ Union Affiliations for 2011-12 7.Presentation of the Trustees Report 2010-11 8.Any Other Business Agenda

5 7/15/20155 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ Apologies for Absence

6 7/15/20156 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ Minutes from the Annual General Meeting 2010

7 7/15/20157 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ VOTE To approve the Minutes of the AGM 2010

8 7/15/20158 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ Presentation of the Audited Accounts for year ended 31 st July 2011

9 7/15/20159 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ Total income £2,432,360 (2010 - £2,141,999) Total expenditure £2,413,337 (2010 - £2,177,104) Operating Surplus of £19,023 (2010 - £28,033) Full details are available at

10 7/15/201510 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ Balance Sheet Fixed Assets Positive £228,231 (2010 – Positive £266,841 ) Net Current Assets Positive £140,587 (2010 – Positive £82,954) Full details are available at

11 7/15/201511 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ Any Questions?

12 7/15/201512 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ Appointment of Auditors for 2011-12

13 7/15/201513 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ VOTE To appoint HW as auditors for 2011-2012

14 7/15/201514 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ Approval of Students’ Union Affiliations for 2010-11

15 7/15/201515 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ £  NUS 40,153  North East Chamber of Commerce 310  VOLUNTEERING ENGLAND 192  NASTA 60

16 7/15/201516 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ VOTE To approve the affiliations

17 7/15/201517 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ Elected Sabbatical Trustees Jo Rhodes President Appointed 9.7.11 Kate Bradshaw Vice-President Academic Affairs Appointed 9.7.11 Hannah Horne Vice-President Welfare & Equality Re- Appointed 9.7.11 Andrew Cheung Vice-President Activities & Development Appointed 9.7.11 Holly Seabrook Vice President Communications & Involvement Re- appointed 9.7.11 Adam White President Retired 8.7.11 Adam Wigley Vice-President Academic Affairs Retired 8.7.11 Pet Woodward Vice-President Welfare & Equality Retired 8.7.11 Becky Warburton Vice-President Activities & Development Retired 8.7.11 Trustees 2010-2011

18 7/15/201518 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ Appointed Student Trustees Paul Hughes Student Trustee Retired 23.7.11 David Caldwell Student Trustee Retired 23.7.11 Osemeke Mosindi Student Trustee Retired 23.7.11 Ashleigh Blackwood Student Trustee Retired 23.7.11 Iain Harrison Student Trustee Appointed 24.7.11 Samantha Farndale Student Trustee Appointed 24.7.11 Kirstie Wilson Student Trustee Appointed 24.7.11 Trustees 2010-2011

19 7/15/201519 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ External Non-Student Trustees Tim Mallender Non-Student Trustee Appointed 18.6.08 Karen Ingram Non-Student Trustee Appointed 18.6.08 William Ralston Non-Student Trustee Appointed 18.6.08 Retired 18.6.09 Re-appointed 18.6.09 David Inman Non-Student Trustee Appointed 21.1.09 Trustees 2010-2011

20 7/15/201520 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’  5 Elected Sabbatical Officers  4 appointed Northumbria students  4 appointed externals Aim: To achieve the right balance of skill and experience to oversee the Unions finances, legal and reputational issues The Trustee Board

21 7/15/201521 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ Create and deliver the Students’ Union’s Business Plan Set Budgets Ensure the Students’ Union is legally compliant Protect the reputation of the Students’ Union Role of Trustees

22 7/15/201522 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ Key Achievements Trustees Report 2010-11

23 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ Students’ Union of the Year 2011

24 7/15/201524 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ More Key Achievements 84% of students said we have had a positive impact on their lives Trustees Report 2010-11

25 7/15/201525 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ More Key Achievements 3000+ students involved in Societies, Community Volunteering, RAG, NU:LIFE, NU:TV, Welcome Team and Give it a Go £31,588 raised for RAG charities Trustees Report 2010-11

26 7/15/201526 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ More Key Achievements Over 1,300 course reps made a huge difference to the Northumbria student experience. Over 400 students supported in making academic appeals Delivered positive changes for students in the University including commitment to remove additional costs wherever practical Trustees Report 2010-11

27 7/15/201527 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ PhD student Xirong He regional winner in the British Council’s International Student Awards Newcastle Best Bar None Gold Award for Best Club Venue NUS Green Impact Silver Award Accreditation Runner Up NUS Course Rep of the Year for the fourth year running! Graham Atkinson shortlisted as NUS Staff Member of the Year Award Other Awards & Recognition

28 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ Any Questions?

29 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ Thank you for coming

30 ‘A positive impact on the lives of all our students’ Good Luck for the rest of the year!

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