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1 CIS 100 Winter 2005 Week 10 Lecture Dr. David Gadish.

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1 1 CIS 100 Winter 2005 Week 10 Lecture Dr. David Gadish

2 2 Week 10 Agenda  Programming and Languages (Chapter 14)  Your Future and Information Technology (Chapter 15)

3 3 1414 Programming and Languages

4 4 Competencies Six steps of programming Design tools Program testing CASE tools and Object-oriented software Generations of programming languages

5 5 Programs  A list of instructions for the computer –Processes data into information  Application programs –Used by end users  System programs –Used by computer  Prepackaged  Custom-made

6 6 Software Development  Specification  Design  Code  Test  Documentation  Maintenance

7 7 Step 1: Program Specifications  Program definition or analysis –Objectives Statement of problem –Outputs Desired results –Inputs Determine inputs and their source –Processing requirements –Specification document

8 8 Step 2: Program Design  Solutions are planned and created  Techniques used –Top-down program design –Pseudocode –Flowcharts –Logic structures Sequence Selection Loop

9 9 Step 3: Program Code  Code the processes from the program design  Good program qualities –Reliable –Well documented –Understandable to programmers –Structured programs best method

10 10 Step 4: Program Test  Testing and correcting errors –Debugging  Syntax errors  Logic errors  Testing process –Desk checking –Manual testing –Translation –Test with sample data –Beta testing

11 11 Step 5: Documentation  Written descriptions and procedures about the program and how to use it  Written within programs and in documents  Written for –Users –Operators –Programmers

12 12 Step 6: Program Maintenance  75% of total lifetime cost  Ensure that programs are –Error-free –Efficient –Effective  Two categories –Operations –Changing needs

13 13 CASE  Computer-aided software engineering  Automate development process –Designing –Coding –Testing

14 14 Object-Oriented Programming  OOP software for development –Focuses less on procedures  OOP software development changes programming approach –Program is organized into objects –Modules –Emphasize re-use

15 15 Programming Languages  Occurring in “generations” –Machine languages to natural languages  Lower level, closer to machine language  Higher level is closer to human-like language

16 16 Generations of Languages  1 st -- Machine languages  2 nd -- Assembly languages  3 rd -- High level procedural languages  4 th -- Problem-oriented languages  5 th -- Natural languages

17 17 A Look to the Future  Natural language programming  Ml-tech –System developed by Synapse Solutions –Enter a “wish list” –Computer translates the list

18 18 1515 Your Future and Information Technology

19 19 Competencies Individual strategy Technology changing competition React to new technology Computer competence Job definitions

20 20 Changing Times  Successful individuals have a strategy  Technology changes responsibilities  Some jobs are made obsolete, but new ones are created  Successful individuals are best at changing

21 21 Technology and Organizations  Technology changes competition –New products –New enterprises Internet service providers Webmasters –New customer and supplier relationships

22 22 Technology and People  Different coping styles with technology –Cynicism Computer use is overrated –Naiveté Magic boxes –Frustration Imposition to learn something new –Proactivity Acting in anticipation

23 23 Be a Winner  Stay current  Maintain competence  Develop professional contacts  Develop specialties  Be alert  Innovative opportunities

24 24 Job Opportunities On-line  Browse job listings  Post resumes  Use special agents (on-line employment agency)

25 25 IS Careers  Systems analyst  Web technology  Database administrator  Programmer  Network manager  Computer support Specialist

26 26 A Look to the Future  Take positive control  Concentrate on goals  Use computer to your advantage  Gain control over technology

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