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Diana Miranda Final Project Presentation Elluminate Session December 6, 2009.

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1 Diana Miranda Final Project Presentation Elluminate Session December 6, 2009

2 Teacher’s Resource Guide for using Maps and Map related resources in the Classroom Diana Miranda LIBR-220-02 San Jose State University C. Mayhew and R. Simmons : “Earth lights at night” NASA Digital Archive

3 Introduction: Why use Maps ? To create a dynamic and visual learning environment Introduce maps as valuable resources and tools Integrate technology into traditional “book” lessons Introduce research habits

4 Where can I find these resources? Your Librarian or Library Media Technician: Atlases Web 2.0 Tools GazetteersInternet Web Sites BooksBibliographies of Cartographic materials and sites The World Wide Web

5 Useful Internet Resources  Lessons directly support California State Public School Content Standards (2009) world-factbook/

6 United States Geological Survey Site Features: Guided Lessons K-6 Activities Map visuals (Social Science and Science: Biology, Geology, and Water ) n/primary.htm Materials and lessons support California State Content Standards 1-5 th grade/

7 USGS site and support sites including the National Atlas Site and TerraServer for Kids examples: 1 st grade CA Content Standards: “Students examine the geographic and economic aspects of life in their own neighborhoods and compare them to those of people long ago” (CBE 2009, pg12) “1.1 Locate on maps and globes their local community, California, the United States, the seven continents, and the four oceans. “ (CBE 2009, pg.12)

8 Examples Continued: Second Grade Content Standards: 1.“Locate on a simple letter-number grid system the specific locations and geographic features in their neighborhood or community (e.g., map of the classroom, the school). 2.2. Label from memory a simple map of the North American continent, including the countries, oceans, Great Lakes, major rivers, and mountain ranges. Identify the essential map elements: title, legend, directional indicator, scale, and date.” (CBE 2009, pg 14)

9 Second Grade CA State Content Standard Examples Continued:

10 Grade 3 CA Content Standard: “Emphasis is on the physical and cultural landscape of California, including the study of American Indians, the subsequent arrival of immigrants, and the impact they have had in forming the character of our contemporary society. “(CBE 2009, pg. 16)

11 These maps also support content standard for 2 nd, 4 th and 5 th grades.

12 Fourth Grade content standard: “1. Explain and use the coordinate grid system of latitude and longitude to determine the absolute locations of places in California and on Earth. “ (CBE 2009, pg.19) Can also be used with 5 th graders

13 Fifth Grade content standards: “3. Trace the routes of the major land explorers of the United States, the distances traveled by explorers, and the Atlantic trade routes that linked Africa, the West Indies, the British colonies, and Europe.” (CBE 2009, pg.24 )

14 National Atlas Site: Energy Consumption 2001 Population Density 2000

15 Earth Observatory Site supported by NASA Climate changes affecting the earth Images of the earth from Space Articles News Updates

16 CIA World Fact Book Site Regional Maps Flags of the World Guide to Country Comparison World Facts: Population Military Geography Economy Transportation

17 Citations: California Board of Education Kilgensmith,B. & Geeting, G. (Eds).. (1998 reposted 2009). History-Social Science Content Standards for California Public Schools K-12. CDE Press. Central Intelligence Agency. ( last updated April 2009). World Fact Book. National Atlas of the United States. (last modified Sept. 2009). Przyborsk, P & Remer, L. (last updated Dec. 2009) Earth Observatory. United States Geological Survey. (last updated Nov. 2009). Education.

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