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Welcome to EECS 340 Introduction to Computer Networking.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to EECS 340 Introduction to Computer Networking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to EECS 340 Introduction to Computer Networking

2 Top-down Intro Networking Class –Application down to physical layer Topics to Cover –Overview of Internet architecture, protocols –Network applications (HTTP, FTP) and programming –Transport (TCP, UDP), congestion/flow control –Network (IP), routing, multicast –Data Link, error handling, LAN, wireless Course Overview

3 Logistics Instructor Yan Chen (, Office Hours: Mon. and Wed. 2:30-3:30pm or by appointment, Rm L459, Tech Inst. TA Zhaosheng Zhu ( Office Hours: TBA, Rm 2-205, Ford Center.

4 Prerequisites Required: –EECS311 (data structure) –EECS 213 or (EECS 205 + EECS 231) Highly Recommended: OS or having some familiarity with Unix systems programming, preferably in C or C++ –Minet is in C++ / STL –BUILDING software is 35% of the grade of this class

5 Course Materials Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, Forth Edition, James Kurose and Keith Ross, Addison Wesley, 2008Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume I: The Protocols, Richard Stevens, Addison Wesley, 1994TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume I: The Protocols See course webpage and syllabus for other recommended books and references

6 Grading Class attendance, discussion and quiz 15% Homework (4 sets) 10% Projects 35% Midterm 20% Final 20% –Exams in-class, closed-book, non-cumulative Late policy: 10% each day after the due date No cheating

7 Communication Web page: s340-w08/ s340-w08/ Recitation: TBD. –TA lectures on the homework and projects, and help to prepare the exams. Newsgroup is available –cs.340 (posting Q & A for homework & projects) –Have to use VPN if access from outside campus Send emails to instructor and TA for questions inappropriate in newsgroup

8 Project 1 Out Wed. Electrical submission due 11:59pm, 1/18 Project description Six additional handout materials online –Minet Sockets Minet Sockets –The TLab ClusterThe TLab Cluster –The Minet TCP/IP StackThe Minet TCP/IP Stack –Sockets in a Nutshell Sockets in a Nutshell –UNIX System Programming on a Nutshell UNIX System Programming on a Nutshell –Useful UNIX ToolsUseful UNIX Tools

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