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Naturvårdsverket | Swedish Environmental Protection Agency NOBANIS and the development of a European Early Warning and Rapid Response System Results of.

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Presentation on theme: "Naturvårdsverket | Swedish Environmental Protection Agency NOBANIS and the development of a European Early Warning and Rapid Response System Results of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Naturvårdsverket | Swedish Environmental Protection Agency NOBANIS and the development of a European Early Warning and Rapid Response System Results of NOBANIS workshop on Early Warning, Ireland 1-3 June 2010 Melanie Josefsson Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

2 Naturvårdsverket | Swedish Environmental Protection Agency What is NOBANIS? Network and gateway to information on invasive alien species via an internet portal, from 2003 - Country driven network of 19 countries with an environmental management perspective A dynamic, distributed, searchable database with more than 14,000 species records from all environments Database on national regulations, literature Fact sheets for 60 of the most invasive species

3 Naturvårdsverket | Swedish Environmental Protection Agency



6 Trends in introduction of alien species in all environments

7 Naturvårdsverket | Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Pathways of introduction

8 Naturvårdsverket | Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Purpose of the NOBANIS workshop on Early Warning Input to the European Commission for further work on EU Strategy on IAS Input into development of a European Early Warning & Rapid Response system Test the NOBANIS information system to see how it could be used in an Early Warning and Rapid Response system

9 Naturvårdsverket | Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Workshop recommendations 1.Added value of a single Early Warning & Rapid Response System 2.Components of an Early Warning and Rapid Response system 3. Role of the European Commission in development of an European Early Warning System Spiraea tomentosa, photos by Zygmunt Dajdok and Waldemar Bena.

10 Naturvårdsverket | Swedish Environmental Protection Agency The main components of a European Early Warning and Rapid Response System Genovesi et. al 2010 1.Horizon scanning 2.Detection, monitoring, surveillance 3.Diagnosis 4.Quick screening 5.Risk assessment 6.Reporting and circulation of information 7.Response 8.Follow up

11 Naturvårdsverket | Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Workshop recommendations Added value of a European EW & RR System Horizon scanning Minimize duplication of efforts Facilitate the integration and information exchange with animal and plant health, mariculture, aquaculture, ballast water control Detection, monitoring, surveillance Provide basis for coordinated approach between countries Produce EU level species guides for identification Diagnosis Ensure a more efficient leverage of resources

12 Naturvårdsverket | Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Quick screening A common databank of risk screenings would accelerate the process Allows a standardization of methodology Risk assessments Facilitate the sharing of results of risk assessments Ensure consistency of RA procedures and results Reporting and circulation of information Essential with a common system for circulation and exchange of information

13 Naturvårdsverket | Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Response Support community responses when common interests are threatened (see EPPO experiences) Aid in defining legal basis for response Follow up Evaluate whether actions were effective

14 Naturvårdsverket | Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Components of an Early Warning and Rapid Response system -Requirements for an information system (continuity, harmonization, regular updating, data ownership) -Process of Early Warning & Rapid Response -Information required for initial notification and EW -Distribution of an EW

15 Naturvårdsverket | Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Components of an Early Warning and Rapid Response system (cont.) Criteria for Early Warning Arrival of new IAS An existing alien species becomes invasive An existing IAS suddenly begin a range expansion Elodea canadensis Photo: M. Hassler

16 Naturvårdsverket | Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Key actions required for an EW & RR system at the EU level Construct and maintain a centralized information system incl. alert lists, alarm list, black lists etc. Collect and disseminate best practice and methodologies and ensure a standardized approach Address the legal inconsistencies and gaps to ensure preventative measures and adequate response Support efforts with education and awareness raising Identify and provide funding incl. capacity building and contingency funding Identify ways to involve relevant non-EU countries in the system

17 Naturvårdsverket | Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Role of the European Commission in development of an European Early Warning System

18 Naturvårdsverket | Swedish Environmental Protection Agency NOBANIS pilot projects on Early Warning - Development of a Species alert with e-mail system (EPPO model) Networking function further developed Newsletter 3-4 per year on portal continues Harmonization of data continues

19 Naturvårdsverket | Swedish Environmental Protection Agency NOBANIS pilot project on EW )

20 Naturvårdsverket | Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Horizon scanning function Develop risk maps for 22 IAS species in terrestrial, freshwater and marine and brackish water environments Biogeographic approach Test NOBANIS information system to see what needs to be improved/added Arion lusitanicus Photo: Inger Weidema

21 Naturvårdsverket | Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

22 22 Invasive Alien Species for study Acer rufinerve Branta canadensis Bunias orientalis Castor canadensis Corbicula fluminea Crassula helmsii Didemnum vexillum Gyrodactylus salaris Harmonia axyridis Lithobathes catebeiana Ludwigia grandiflora, L. peploides Lupinus nootkatensis Lupinus polyphyllus Mustela vison Myocastor coypus Neogobius melanostomus Pacifastacus leniusculus Paralithodes camtschatica Psittacula krameri Rhododendron ponticum Robinia pseudoacacia Sciurus carolinensis

23 Naturvårdsverket | Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Thank you!

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