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International Strategic Planning Task Force University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa May 2009 1.

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Presentation on theme: "International Strategic Planning Task Force University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa May 2009 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Strategic Planning Task Force University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa May 2009 1

2 Agenda Chancellor’s Charge Task Force Challenges Presentation Topics Overview of Process Key Problems Identified High Priority Objectives Implementation 2

3 Chancellor’s Charge Vision A global, multicultural university Goal Develop a strategic plan for international education and engagement Timeline 2009 Spring Semester 3

4 The REAL question… How could the global and multicultural campus experience be enhanced for the UHM community ? 4

5 Task Force Challenges 1.To deconstruct the meaning of international education and Asia/Pacific focus for the campus 2.To develop a campus-wide consensus on the direction of international education 3.To highlight international education as integral to the UHM experience 5

6 Task Force Members AdministrativeJenny Samaan, Interim AVC, Int’l & Exchange Programs Support:Diane Perushek, Director of Global Relations Co-Chairs:Jay Maddock, Public Health Jim Spencer, Urban and Regional Planning Terry Hunt Anthropology Ekhlass Jarjees Natural Resources and Environmental Management Carole Peterson Law & Peace Institute Gay Reed Educational Foundations Joel Weaver Second Language Studies Paul Wessel Geology & Geophysics Jim Wills Marketing Tamara Albertini Philosophy Joseph Campos University Health Services Cathryn Clayton Asian Studies John Cusick Environmental Center Carol Anne Dickson Apparel Product Design & Merchandising Jon Goss Geography & Honors Program Randy Hensley Sinclair Library 6

7 Presentation Topics International Recruitment and Admissions Admissions and Records School and College Services East West Center Admissions Graduate Admissions Research Graduate Research School of Ocean, Earth and Science Technology Visiting Scholars, International Faculty Faculty Scholar and Immigration Services Education Abroad Study Abroad Center International Exchange Program Global Mobility International Student Services, Co-curricular Activities International Student Services Outreach College Curriculum Distance Education General Education Office Shidler School of Business UH Foundation, East West Center, Alumni Affairs Alumni Relations East West Center Alumni International Engagement 7

8 Overview of Process 2 lead writers & 2 reviewers per section generate reports ( contain background, objectives, strategies ) Task Force produced total of 30 objectives, 7 high priority Full report to be presented to the Chancellor and VCAA in early June Wider distribution/comment period to follow 8

9 Key Problems Identified Lack of cohesive international strategy within the various centers; Administrative duplication of immigration services; Services under-resourced even with cost savings on consolidation; International student enrollment declining; International-oriented research not recognized in some disciplines (e.g. journal recognition); 9

10 Key Problems Identified Curriculum needs to be more globally- and internationally-focused for a 21 st Century environment; UHM’s excellent track record in research and related activities on global and international issues not leveraged to support the broader UHM global mission; The significant presence of UHM international students, and their globally-oriented and multicultural perspectives not seen as a resource for the campus as a whole. 10

11 First Objective: Infrastructure 11 By 2010, create a cohesive structure for international affairs at UHM including: 1.Unified physical space; 2.Budget; and 3.Administrative support

12 Second Objective: Infrastructure During 2009-2010, create a database designed to improve electronic record-keeping related to all UHM international activities. 12

13 Third Objective: Student Recruitment By 2010, Admissions & Records should increase reaching, recruiting, and retaining international students by 5% per year. 13

14 Fourth Objective: Research In 2009-2010, begin to improve recognition of international research, research collaboration, and publications through increasing travel and award resources by up to 100% and through mandated reporting of such research to deans. 14

15 Fifth Objective: Research Beginning in 2010, better utilize and support existing faculty international travel as a means of promoting UHM through pre-travel briefings and other information sharing as well as monetary incentives. (i.e. extra per diem) 15

16 Sixth Objective: Curriculum Beginning in academic year 2011, prepare students for leadership and service in an increasingly interconnected world through an infusion of required language study and an international perspective across the curriculum and in co- curricular activities. 16

17 Seventh Objective: Visiting Scholars/Int’l Faculty As of spring 2010, provide increased access to legal assistance and advice for complex immigration and other legal issues through budget allocation and by forming connections with the law school clinical programs. 17

18 Implementation Establish a new international implementation committee Develop measureable benchmarks Report progress annually to the Chancellor, VCAA, MET and the larger UHM community 18

19 Questions and Answers Questions? 19

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