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Verification and Validation Mark C. Paulk July 16, 2003 SEEK 2003

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1 Verification and Validation Mark C. Paulk July 16, 2003 SEEK 2003

2 2 V&V in IEEE 729-1983 Verification The process of determining whether or not the products of a given phase of the software development cycle fulfill the requirements established during the previous phase. Validation The process of evaluating software at the end of the software development process to ensure compliance with software requirements.

3 3 The V-Model Sami Zahran, Software Process Improvement: Practical Guidelines for Business Success, 1998, pages 377-386. “Software Development Standard for the German Federal Armed Forces, General Directive 250 – Software Life Cycle Process Model,” 1992. System Requirements Analysis and Design DP Requirements Analysis and Design Software Requirements Analysis Preliminary Design Detailed Design Implementation Software Components Integration DP Integration System Integration

4 4 V&V in IEEE 610.12-1990 Verification The process of evaluating a system or component to determine whether the products of a given development phase satisfy the conditions imposed at the start of that phase. Validation The process of evaluating a system or component during or at the end of the development process to determine whether it satisfies specified requirements.

5 5 IV&V in IEEE 610.12-1990 Verification and Validation (V&V) The process of determining whether (1) the requirements for a system or component are complete and correct, (2) the products of each development phase fulfill the requirements or conditions imposed by the previous phase, and (3) the final system or component complies with the specified requirements. Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) V&V performed by an organization that is technically, managerially, and financially independent of the development organization.

6 6 Techniques Name some verification techniques. Name some validation techniques.

7 7 Concept V&V in IEEE 1012- 1998 Concept documentation evaluation Evaluation of operational procedures Criticality analysis Hardware / software / user requirements Allocation analysis Traceability analysis Hazards analysis Risk analysis Software V&V Plan generation or updating

8 8 Requirements V&V in IEEE 1012- 1998 Traceability analysis Software requirements evaluation Interface analysis V&V test plan generation and verification system acceptance Configuration management assessment Criticality / hazard analysis update Risk analysis

9 9 Design V&V in IEEE 1012-1998 Traceability analysis Software design evaluation Interface analysis Component V&V test plan generation and verification V&V test design generation and verification component integration system acceptance Criticality / hazard / risk analysis updates

10 10 Implementation V&V in IEEE 1012-1998 Traceability / interface / criticality / hazard / risk analysis updates Source code and source code documentation evaluation Component V&V test plan generation and verification V&V test case and test procedure generation and verification component integration system Acceptance test case generation and verification Component V&V test execution and verification

11 11 Test V&V in IEEE 1012-1998 Traceability / hazard / risk analysis updates Acceptance V&V test procedure generation and verification V&V test execution and verification acceptance integration system

12 12 Installation and Checkout V&V in IEEE 1012-1998 Hazard / risk analysis updates Installation configuration audit Installation checkout V&V final report generation

13 13 Operation V&V in IEEE 1012- 1998 Software V&V Plan revision Proposed change assessment Anomaly evaluation Criticality / hazard / risk analysis updates Migration assessment Retirement assessment

14 14 CMMI Overview Process is unpredictable, poorly controlled, and reactive Process is characterized for projects and is often reactive Process is characterized for the organization and is proactive Process is measured and controlled Focus is on quantitative continuous process improvement Level Process Characteristics Requirements Management Project Planning Product and Process Quality Assurance Configuration Management Project Monitoring and Control Supplier Agreement Management Quantitative Project Management Organizational Process Performance Causal Analysis and Resolution Organizational Innovation and Deployment Process Areas Requirements Development Technical Solution Product Integration Validation Verification Organizational Process Focus Integrated Project Management Initial Managed Defined Quantitatively Managed Optimizing Measurement and Analysis Organization Process Definition Organizational Training Risk Management Decision Analysis & Resolution

15 15 V&V in CMMI Verification Confirmation that work products properly reflect the requirements specified for them. In other words, verification ensures that “you built it right.” Validation Confirmation that the product, as provided (or as it will be provided), will fulfill its intended use. In other words, validation ensures that “you built the right thing.”

16 16 CMMI - Verification The purpose of Verification is to ensure that selected work products meet their specified requirements. SG 1Prepare for VerificationPreparation for verification is conducted. SP 1.1-1Select Work Products for Verification Select the work products to be verified and the verification methods that will be used for each. SP 1.2-2Establish the Verification Environment Establish and maintain the environment needed to support verification. SP 1.3-3Establish Verification Procedures and Criteria Establish and maintain verification procedures and criteria for the selected work products. SG 2Perform Peer ReviewsPeer reviews are performed on selected work products. SP 2.1-1Prepare for Peer ReviewsPrepare for peer reviews of selected work products. SP 2.2-1Conduct Peer ReviewsConduct peer reviews on selected work products and identify issues resulting from the peer review. SP 2.3-2Analyze Peer Review Data Analyze data about preparation, conduct, and results of the peer reviews. SG 3Verify Selected Work Products Selected work products are verified against their specified requirements. SP 3.1-1Perform VerificationPerform verification on the selected work products. SP 3.2-2Analyze Verification Results and Identify Corrective Action Analyze the results of all verification activities and identify corrective action.

17 17 CMMI - Validation The purpose of Validation is to demonstrate that a product or product component fulfills its intended use when placed in its intended environment. SG 1Prepare for Validation Preparation for validation is conducted. SP 1.1-1Select Products for Validation Select products and product components to be validated and the validation methods that will be used for each. SP 1.2-2Establish the Validation Environment Establish and maintain the environment needed to support validation. SP 1.3-3Establish Validation Procedures and Criteria Establish and maintain procedures and criteria for validation. SG 2Validate Product or Product Components The product or product components are validated to ensure that they are suitable for use in their intended operating environment. SP 2.1-1Perform ValidationPerform validation on the selected products and product components. SP 2.2-1Analyze Validation Results Analyze the results of the validation activities and identify issues.

18 18 Software RD Systems RD Customers & Stakeholders REQM Hardware RD Hardware TS Hardware VER Software TS Software VER Hardware PI Software PI Systems PI Hardware VAL Software VAL Systems VAL Systems TS CMMI Engineering Hierarchy

19 19 Testing Principles All tests should be traceable to customer requirements. Test should be planned long before testing begins. The Pareto principle applies to software testing. Exhaustive testing is not possible To be most effective, testing should be conducted by an independent third party. Roger Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach, Fifth Edition, 2001.

20 20 Software Program Managers Network SPMN established in 1992 to identify proven industry and government software best practices and convey these practices to managers of large-scale DoD system acquisition programs 16 Critical Software Practices TM specifically address underlying cost and schedule drivers that have caused many software intensive systems to be delivered over budget, behind schedule and with significant performance shortfalls.

21 21 SPMN #8. Manage and Trace Requirements Before any design is initiated, requirements for that segment of the software need to be agreed to. Requirements tracing should be a continuous process providing the means to trace from the user requirement to the lowest level software component. Tracing shall exist not only to user requirements but also between products and the test cases used to verify their successful implementation. All products that are used as part of the trace need to be under configuration control. Requirements tracing should use a tool and be kept current as products are approved and placed under CM. Requirements tracing should address system, hardware, and software and the process should be defined in the system engineering management plan and the software development plan.

22 22 SPMN #14. Inspect Requirements and Design All products that are placed under CM and are used as a basis for subsequent development need to be subjected to successful completion of a formal inspection prior to its release to CM. The inspection needs to follow a rigorous process defined in the software development plan and should be based on agreed-to entry and exit criteria for that specific product. At the inspection, specific metrics should be collected and tracked which will describe defects, defect removal efficiency, and efficiency of the inspection process. All products to be placed under CM should be inspected as close to their production as feasible. Inspections should be conducted beginning with concept definition and ending with completion of the engineering process. The program needs to fund inspections and track rework savings.

23 23 SPMN #15. Manage Testing as a Continuous Process All testing should follow a preplanned process, which is agreed to and funded. Every product that is placed under CM should be tested by a corresponding testing activity. All tests should consider not only a nominal system condition but also address anomalous and recovery aspects of the system. Prior to delivery, the system needs to be tested in a stressed environment, nominally in excess of 150 percent of its rated capacities. All test products (test cases, data, tools, configuration, and criteria) should be released through CM and be documented in a software version description document. Every test should be described in traceable procedures and have pass-fail criteria included.

24 24 SPMN #16. Compile and Smoke Test Frequently All tests should use systems that are built on a frequent and regular basis (nominally no less than twice a week). All new releases should be regression tested by CM prior to release to the test organization. Smoke testing should qualify new capability or components only after successful regression test completion. All smoke tests should be based on a pre-approved and traceable procedure and run by an independent organization (not the engineers who produced it). All defects identified should be documented and be subject to the program change control process. Smoke test results should be visible and provided to all project personnel.

25 25 Generic V&V Techniques Technical reviews, management reviews, joint reviews Symbolic execution, program proving, proof of correctness, formal methods Anomaly analysis, syntactical checks Functional testing, black-box testing, equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis Structural testing, white-box testing, basis path testing, condition testing, data flow testing, loop testing Unit testing Regression testing, daily build and smoke test Integration testing Random testing, adaptive perturbation testing, mutation testing, be-bugging Operational profile testing, stress testing, performance testing System testing, acceptance testing Peer reviews, structured walkthroughs, inspections, active design reviews, pair programming, …

26 26 Effective V&V What is the most effective verification technique (or techniques)?? What is the most effective validation technique (or techniques)?

27 27 Test procedure, test case inspections Test procedure, test case inspections Code inspections Test procedure, test case inspections Test procedure, test case inspections Requirements inspections HLD inspections DD inspections The W-Model Customer needs Requirements Architectural design Detailed design Code Unit test Integration test System test Acceptance test

28 28 Questions and Answers… ?

29 29 Some Useful Internet Links Software Engineering Institute Software Program Managers Network Formal Technical Review Archive

30 30 Copyrights and Trademarks  Capability Maturity Model, Capability Maturity Modeling, CMM Integration, and CMMI are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by Carnegie Mellon University. SM eSCM, IDEAL, SCAMPI, SCAMPI Lead Assessor, SCAMPI Lead Appraiser, Personal Software Process, PSP, Team Software Process, and TSP are service marks of Carnegie Mellon University.

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