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1999/2/10NTUST Ailab Li-we Pan1 Semester Report 指導老師 : 何正信教授 學生:潘立偉 學號: M8702048 日期: 88/2/10.

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Presentation on theme: "1999/2/10NTUST Ailab Li-we Pan1 Semester Report 指導老師 : 何正信教授 學生:潘立偉 學號: M8702048 日期: 88/2/10."— Presentation transcript:

1 1999/2/10NTUST Ailab Li-we Pan1 Semester Report 指導老師 : 何正信教授 學生:潘立偉 學號: M8702048 日期: 88/2/10

2 1999/2/10NTUST Ailab Li-we Pan2 Course Had studied : –AI(Artificial Intelligence)(3) –AAI(Advance Artificial Intelligence)(3) –NN(Neural Network)(3) –Computer Network(3) –Advance English(0) Will study: –Knowledge Base(3) –Fuzzy(3) –Advance English(0)

3 1999/2/10NTUST Ailab Li-we Pan3 Knew of CBR Design-problem specification Design-case recall Design-case adaptation Design-problem solution Case library

4 1999/2/10NTUST Ailab Li-we Pan4 Case recall Design-problem specification To design case adaptation Design-case recall Case indexing Case retrieval Case selection

5 1999/2/10NTUST Ailab Li-we Pan5 Case adaptation From design- case adaptation Design-problem solution Design-case adaptation Solution proposal Solution evaluation Solution modification

6 1999/2/10NTUST Ailab Li-we Pan6 Case Library Case Selector New Problem Candidate cases Case Evaluator Distributed Fuzzy Neural Networks Constrained Induction Tree Case Adapter Pruned constrained induction tree Case Reuser Reusable case and case-specific adaptation rules Adaptation Guider Decision Theory Best-First Search Induction Theory Adaptation Learner Adaptation Knowledge Source Adaptation objects Adaptation episode Machine Learning

7 1999/2/10NTUST Ailab Li-we Pan7 Future work find the papers about “case adaption” in CBR. learn more about Knowledge Base. learn a tool to implement.

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