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1. The Basic Pattern. 2. Fig. 21-5 3. During digestion of a meal.

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Presentation on theme: "1. The Basic Pattern. 2. Fig. 21-5 3. During digestion of a meal."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. The Basic Pattern

2 2. Fig. 21-5

3 3. During digestion of a meal

4 4. During exercise

5 5. How does the body control where the blood will be available? Go to your lecture notes for information to answer this question. Then you can come back here for an example in which nitric oxide (NO) is used in this process.

6 6. During sexual excitation

7 7. This does not happen!

8 8. Assuming vasoconstriction is the default value, how do vasoconstricted tissues receive an adequate blood supply? See the next slide for a reminder of the capillary bed neighborhood, then go to your notes for information that answers this question.

9 9. Fig. 21-5

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