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Elkin Jeopardy The US Economy DemandSupplyBusiness and Labor Gov. and the Economy 60 70 80 90 100.

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Presentation on theme: "Elkin Jeopardy The US Economy DemandSupplyBusiness and Labor Gov. and the Economy 60 70 80 90 100."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elkin Jeopardy The US Economy DemandSupplyBusiness and Labor Gov. and the Economy 60 70 80 90 100

2 The type of jurisdiction that U.S. District Courts have.

3 9: 8 associate justices and 1 chief justice

4 A written document that explains one side’s position on the case.

5 First African-American justice

6 The power of the court to decide the constitutionality of laws and government acts.

7 Established judicial review

8 Americans must be informed of their rights

9 Separate but equal is constitutional

10 Bussing to desegregate public schools

11 Segregation in public schools is unconstitutional

12 The two major political parties in the U.S.

13 Party made popular by H. Ross Perot

14 The country with the most political parties with 20

15 The party formed by democrats and whigs who opposed slavery

16 The Prohibitionist Party of 1872 is an example of this “narrow” party.

17 Used to cast a vote when out of town on election day

18 Asking voters how they voted as they leave the polling place

19 It takes 270 to win the presidency with this indirect election method

20 The election in which voters choose the candidate to represent their party in the general election

21 Political organizations established by corporations, unions, and other interest groups designed to support candidates by giving money

22 Powers to make marriage and divorce laws, to regulate education, and hold elections

23 The name for the NC legislature

24 State chief executive

25 Governor’s power to strike or reject specific parts of a bill

26 Approves constitutional amendments and chooses State judges

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