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eBook Applications in Libraries: Challenges & Opportunities Susan Gibbons Digital Initiatives Librarian University of Rochester November 2, 2001.

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2 eBook Applications in Libraries: Challenges & Opportunities Susan Gibbons Digital Initiatives Librarian University of Rochester November 2, 2001

3 eBook Devices RCA REB1100- $299 RCA REB1200- $699

4 Features 10-12 titles loaded simultaneously Adjustable backlighting Choice of 2 font sizes Stylus for margin notes & highlighting Hyperlinked dictionary (REB1100 only) Hypertext touch screen Bookmarking Easy to erase markings NO printing capability

5 Downloading eBooks Gemstar Server ANALOG! Ethernet Port Gemstar Server

6 Encryption Problem Title is encrypted so that it can be read only on a single, unique reader In other words, cannot transfer a purchased title onto any other reader, even of the same model Cataloging implications

7 Content Barnes and Noble; Amazon; Powells; Gemstar Server Predominately popular, adult fiction and non- fiction Periodicals and newspaper subscriptions What’s Missing? Children Young Adult Academic & Scholarly Foreign Language

8 eBook-only titles The Veteran By Frederick Forsyth First of a quintet of short stories Fire in the Hole By Elmore Leonard

9 eBook-Enhanced Titles Soul Mountain by Gao Xingjian E-Book edition includes author’s Nobel Prize acceptance speech “A Case for Literature” Pride Before the Fall: The Trials of Bill Gates and the End of the Microsoft Era by John Heilemann E-Book edition includes US v. Microsoft legal documents, including Gates’ deposition

10 Patron Responses No complaints of eye strain 67% read 1 or more complete titles Combo backlighting & large font Want devices to be lighter Patrons really liked backlighting several titles in one package larger fonts

11 Patron Responses Not just curiosity 35% prefer ebook; 23% no preference Reasons for ebook preference Large fonts, backlighting, easier to read & fun Reasons for paper book preference Tradition, more durable, better selection, no battery, less expensive

12 Librarian Responses Encryption Challenges Cataloging Patrons can’t request specific titles Circulation Lots of stuff Clean up ebooks Recharge battery

13 Digital vs analog phone lines Appropriate titles How does one browse an ebook? What if it breaks? Preservation Librarian Responses

14 Audio eBooks Digital equivalent of books on tape, but in MP3 files Content is never lost of damaged has largest collection of audio ebooks Permits library lending Encryption protection is relaxed Abridged, unabridged, subscriptions & non-traditional content

15 Patron Responses Enjoy not having to carry around boxes of cassettes and CDs Want cassette adapters for in-car listening Ensure buttons and display screen are large enough Ideally, patrons want to use their own MP3 players

16 Contact Information Susan Gibbons Digital Initiatives Librarian University of Rochester This production was supported by Federal Library Services and Technology Act funds, awarded to The New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services.

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