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International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) 18 th /19 th of January 2012 CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Schlossplatz 1 A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria
Welcome BIG THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!!! APOLOGIES Unique and very diverse consortium Multidisciplinarity IIASA is an institute addressing global and local policy objectives and carrying out multi-disciplinary work integrating social and natural sciences CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
Ecosystems and Management CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting Modelling Competition for land, economic land-use models, crop models, forest models Socioeconomic benefit assessment of GEOSS, Benefit Assessment Build – with branches on agriculture, urban, humanimpact, biomass, coffee, archeology – Community (last campain 55K Validations), Build mobile Support for farmers in Developing Countries, info provision and crowdsourcing
Agenda for Today 9.00-9.30Welcome and Introduction 9.30-10.45Short Presentations by Partners (5 slides, max 6 minutes) 10.45-11.00Coffee Break 11.00-12.00Presentations Continued 12.00-13.00Lunch at the Schloss Restaurant 13.00-13.30Discussions on the Proposal 13.30-13.45Further Partner Presentations 13.45-18.15Breakout Groups on WPs CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
One Main…Reasons Proposals Fail 1. SO WHAT? a.“This isn’t very interesting” b.“ It doesn’t turn me on” c.“This is not going to affect what anyone else does” Of all the reasons proposals fail, this one is least likely to be reported back to the investigator. Unfortunately, it is the most common actual reason. CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
Other reason why we could fail… !!! We do not adequately address the call text !!! CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
Call text New and innovative environmental monitoring and information capabilities can enable effective participation by citizens in environmental stewardship, based on broad stakeholder and user involvement in support of both community and policy priorities. The objective is to develop "citizens' observatories" using innovative earth observation technologies. CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
Call text New and innovative environmental monitoring and information capabilities can enable effective participation by citizens in environmental stewardship, based on broad stakeholder and user involvement in support of both community and policy priorities. The objective is to develop "citizens' observatories" using innovative earth observation technologies. We really need to build tools for citizens so that they engage CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
Call text New and innovative environmental monitoring and information capabilities can enable effective participation by citizens in environmental stewardship, based on broad stakeholder and user involvement in support of both community and policy priorities. The objective is to develop "citizens' observatories" using innovative earth observation technologies. We need to approach as many stakeholders as possible. For the proposal: stakeholder advisory board, support letters from stakeholders CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
Citizens should be able to effortlessly collect environmental data on a range of parameters, automatically transmit this data to suitable data repositories and exchange their knowledge and experience within a citizens' observatory framework, (e.g., using smart phone applications), thereby enabling citizenship co- participation in community decision making and co-operative planning. Advanced data management strategies, based on open e- collaboration, should enable the sharing of data and information, whilst addressing questions of privacy, data standards, quality and reliability.
Suitable pilot case studies and acceptance activities should be included to test, demonstrate and validate: the concept of "citizens' observatories"; the direct transfer of environmental knowledge for policy, industrial, research and societal use; the possibilities for a comprehensive implementation and application of the technology. Possible examples of pilot case studies could include: civil protection agencies and wide-scale flooding; estimation of personal exposure within various microenvironments (health sector); air quality and noise levels; the identification of flora, birds and wildlife, their habitats and migration paths; illegal dumping of hazardous materials, etc.
Expected Impact CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting Empowerment of citizens and citizen's associations, allowing them to contribute to environmental governance processes in the domains of transparency, knowledge management, accountability and responsiveness. The provision of models for decision-makers, facilitating connections to governance and global policy objectives.
Specific features SMEs are expected to play a major role in addressing the goals described, including the development of innovative sensor technologies, data management strategies and new applications to facilitate the exploitation of the data and processed information for policy, industry and society at large. The consortia will be required to cooperate within an open e-collaboration framework to establish common methodologies and standards for data archiving, discovery and access within the GEOSS framework. The data collected should be made available through the Global Earth Observation System of Systems without any restrictions.
Proposed Duration Proposed duration of the project is 4 years CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
Current proposal partners CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
WP3 Architectural Design WP13 Knowledge Management, Exploitation and Dissemination WP1 Consortium Management and Coordination WP2 Citizen and Community Engagement WP12 Evaluation WP6 Pilot Study 1WP7 Pilot Study 2 WP8 Pilot Study 3 WP11 Pilot Study 6 WP10 Pilot Study 5 WP9 Pilot Study 4 WP5 E-Collaboration Framework WP4 Sensor Deployment
Support Letters and Strong Community Linkage Support letters are essential 2 received from Slovenia for WP8 1 in the pipeline from the EEA (WP11) Progress letters from cities (WP6)? Letters for WP7, WP9, WP10? Stakeholders? Citizen associations? CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
Important points to consider and to include we need to demonstrate that each Pilot is closely linked to a community e.g. citizens’ associations, communities of practice, tapping into currently existing communities we need to demonstrate that the value of the proposal with the different pilots and WPs connecting them is higher than just the sum of the individual pilots – learning from the different WPs CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
linkages between WPs need to be clearly outlined and demonstrated – how much can crowd-sourced data be trusted and how do they compare to authoritative data – where are they successful and where do they fail? CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting Important points to consider and to include
Big question can we find at least ONE geographical place where we test all Pilots????? or a number of pilots? e.g. Ljubljana and surrounding area? we have waste dumps, air/noise pollution, land-change and biodiversity as well as agriculture – and LUCAS points…. Health – respiratory community CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting Important points to consider and to include
Proposal for case studies Ljubljana and surroundings– looking very good – geopedia working Dense data network and link to e- governance, explore synergies between Pilots: e.g. link between air pollution / agriculture Air pollution / biodiversity Noise pollution / biodiversity (e.g. birds) Illegal waste dump sites and Land Change A research field, new scientific insights CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
Suggested Tasks for Pilot WPs Task 1: System Design and Architecture Include a sub-task on user requirements of stakeholders Include sub-tasks for the design of the system + design of the mobile app(s) Task 2: Build the System/Apps Include sub-tasks for building, deploying and implementation of feedback which will come from WP12 Task 3: Validation of Crowd-sourced Data using Authoritative Sources Include a sub-task on validation Include a sub-task on quality control Include a sub-task on making the data freely available and registration in the EUROGEOSS portal Task 4: An application that demonstrates the use of the crowd-sourced application for policy Must make concrete links to policies, directives, etc.
Budget Budget Initial Budget numbers have been sent out 2stage approach: Reserve of 12% is kept back SME’s need 30% of EU contribution – we need to maintain that CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
Proposed Names for the Scientific Advisory Board Chris Steenmans, EEA Approached EUROSTAT – possible Marjo Kasanko Can you suggest (and approach) others? CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
Planned timelines A consolidated draft proposal ready in 2 weeks, deadline 2 nd of Feb Goes to an independent panel which will comment on it / evaluate it against the call text (volunteers at IIASA, independent experts, minimum 5 experts) CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
Sensors What is available? Who will supply it? Reliability and calibration requirements? CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
E-collaboration framework Needs a detailed description How does it link to architecture? Where does the visualization and analysis component reside? Should this be generic across all pilot case studies? CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
Structure Should WP leaders of WP3, 4 and 5 be part of all case study WPs or is it enough that they feed into the case studies? Where are the visualization and spatial analysis tools being developed? Architecture (WP3) Sensors (WP4) E-Collaboration Framework (WP5) Pilots Case Studies (WP6 to 11)
Sustainability How can we make the citizen observatories sustainable? Needs to be a core part of WP2 and again in WP13 WP2 should consider producing ‘guidelines’/best practice guide for developing sustainable citizen observatories CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
Feasibility Technical Is it technically possible to make on the fly measurements of air pollution, noise and land cover? Motivational What will make citizens (or buses) want to provide this information? CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
Partners Not at the Workshop CFR JRC EBM SPACE-SI SOVON University of Ioannina See document of organization descriptions CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
Missing Contributions Cambridge Mobile Sensing Staff descriptions Evolaris, Pachube, SOVON Organization and staff descriptions SOVON PIC number And that’s all – thanks for your efforts! CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
Generic Contributions All Comments on scientific/technical objectives Projects you’ve been involved in WP leaders expanded text on your pilot (where relevant) modifications to a) progress beyond state of the art and b) relation to the call WP13 and others where relevant text/comments on impact section CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
WP Discussions Objectives, Tasks, Deliverables Identify any missing skills/partners Pilots Applications (online + mobile) Stakeholders Citizen associations Sensors Linkages to other WPs (explicit in tasks) Clear action plan to complete the WP CitIzense Proposal Preparation Meeting
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