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PowerPoint 2000: Introduction to the Basics Now: Next Week:

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Presentation on theme: "PowerPoint 2000: Introduction to the Basics Now: Next Week:"— Presentation transcript:

1 PowerPoint 2000: Introduction to the Basics Now: Next Week:

2 PPT = Great Way to Present (Plus Integrate, Share, Even Web Publish) Lots of MultiMedia

3 Behind the Scenes: Making Folders to Hold PPT shows & resources

4 Creating a Folder on NT Your folders and files will always be stored on the U drive. This is your secure space To create a new folder go to My Computer –Select the U: drive –Go to File>New>Folder –You will see a folder with the word New Folder –Enter the name you want for the folder –Click outside the name, and the folder is set

5 Getting Started: Finding PPT, Creating a Permanent Shortcut Click Start, Programs, Microsoft Office or Microsoft PPT In PPT, click File, New, Blank Presentation To make a permanent desktop PPT icon, Right-click in the desktop background Select new>shortcut Click the browse button –Apps:F –Program Files –Microsoft Office –Office –Select the Powerpnt.exe icon-Single-click –Now Select open –Select Next>Finish…Voila’!

6 Taking Control: Using the Blank Presentation Format Why not use templates? While often templates are fine for simple bulleted text, their decorative elements can interfere with or crowd non-text Also the blank presentation style lets you establish your own look(s), put in WU identifiers, etc Q: A:

7 Setting the Stage: Most Useful Actions

8 The Slide Master Lets You Make Your Own Template To open Slide Master, Click View, Master, Slide Master Starting Slide Master It lets you establish uniform show elements: –Font style, size & color –Bulleted format –Background –Transition style

9 Slide Master 1 st Choice: Background To change default white bkg, click Format, Background To create custom one, click in lower box (see arrow), dropdown box appears Click More Colors for solid colors Click Fill Effects for shaded, two tone, & to insert pictures

10 Slide Master Font Choices Click Format, Font Font box lets you choose font kind, style, size, color & effects My preferences for regular classroom showing: –Non-serif font (not curly) –Title = 40-44 pt bold –Bullets = 24-28 pt regular Times New Roman = serif font Arial = sans serif font This = 44 pt This = 28 pt

11 Slide Master Bullet Choices: Tucker Style Example Use 2 levels; delete rest Top Level A, B, C –Select top bullet level, click Format, Bullets & Numbering. –Click Numbered tab –Select A, B, C style 2 nd Level 1, 2, 3: use same method, Select 1, 2, 3 style

12 “Set Up Show” Choices To open, click Slide Show, Set Up Show. Sets presentation style, pen color, etc

13 Setting Slide Transition Style Transition is special effect used to introduce slide change Doesn’t need to be done first, but this way you don’t forget Click Slide Show, Slide Transition Click down arrow button (shown left) to select effect Can also choose manual / automatic slide advance, sound

14 Creating The Show: Common Ingredients Choosing Formats Doing Bulleted text (basics already covered) Inserting Images Inserting Sound (or Video) Inserting hyperlinks to the web

15 Choosing Layouts Default layout chosen when new show first created Can override for any slide To do so, click Format, Slide Layout, select different layout

16 Inserting an Image Click Insert, Picture Choose source (Clip Art, From File, etc)

17 Image Enhancements One way: Select image Right Click, choose Format Picture Choose Tabs for size, border lines & color, etc Right Click Box Format Picture Button

18 Alternative “Mouse Drag” Method of Resizing Image Select Image Note rectangular “handles” that appear around it Move cursor to corner sizing handle When cursor turns to double arrows (see example) hold left mouse button down, drag corner sideways – image will enlarge (or shrink)

19 Cropping Images Click View, Toolbars, and select Drawing toolbar. If it is not already checked, do so Select image Find & select Crop tool on Drawing Toolbar – your cursor will become a crop tool Place cursor/crop tool over sizing handle, hold left mouse button down, move handle inward until desired crop achieved NOTE: cropped areas aren’t lost, just hidden Uncropped image Cropped image

20 Inserting Sound To insert your own sound file: Click Insert, Movies & Sounds, Sound from File Browsing box will appear showing your own files: select desired sound file Small horn image will appear on slide & you will be asked if you want the sound to play automatically as slide is selected

21 Sound Examples Example 1: Bullwinkle theme = automatic, with appearance of slide Example 2: Elvis commentary = on click

22 Inserting Hyperlink Put cursor in text box or select icon Click Insert, Hyperlink Edit Hyperlink box will appear For web link, select top Existing Web Page choice in left box (circled in red), then key in or browse to add url, click OK

23 Example: Weblink on Jackie Robinson ( Web Resources: American Memory Exhibit – “Jackie Robinson & Baseball”

24 Printing Handouts Click File, Print PPT handout print options: –Slides: Single slide / page –Handout: 2-9 slides / page –Outline: bulleted text only Can print all, selected, or single slide; collate, etc TIP: at WU, do not click printer icon (will get automatic print without chance to make selections)

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