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Opportunities in Linear Collider R&D Enabled by GAN Don Hartill Cornell April 19, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Opportunities in Linear Collider R&D Enabled by GAN Don Hartill Cornell April 19, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opportunities in Linear Collider R&D Enabled by GAN Don Hartill Cornell April 19, 2002

2 What is the “Global Accelerator Network” ? There are a number of points of view Remote operation of accelerators Enables several laboratories to participate in the construction and operation of the next large accelerator project - e.g. Linear Collider Leverages scarce accelerator physics and engineering talent Most importantly, helps educate students so there is a next generation of accelerator builders

3 Some History Concept proposed by A. Wagner, Director of DESY Two ICFA Task Forces formed to assess the problem - one on policy issues and one on technical issues Both reports available at First Workshop on Remote Operation of Accelerator Facilities held at Cornell March 21-23, 2002 - Summary report available around May 1, 2002 Second Workshop with focus on possible experiments at Shelter Island September 17-20, 2002

4 Remote Operation Already many examples from NASA, Ground based Astronomy Systems have to be designed with enough hooks to enable remote diagnostics of problems (N. Toge - elected not to use remote operation of ATF facility at KEK because not included in design) We already remotely operate accelerators - just a question of how far away you are No technical show stoppers

5 Remote Operation Policy This is the interesting question Safety issues and government rules are key Needs to be addressed very early in the internationalization of the Linear Collider project

6 Communication Probably the most difficult problem R&D is being done by industry High price of business travel is a strong motivator Already a number of products that use the web - Netmeeting from Microsoft, conferencing from Worldcom Most collaborations already depend heavily on conventional video conferencing It will only get better

7 An Example of a Web Video Conference

8 A Video RelayService Provides translation from voice to ASL Performance is like a normal telephone conversation This example is from

9 Next Steps Continue efforts in remote operation of CLEO and other detectors Begin to use available conferencing tools to assess their effectiveness Shelter Island Workshop to outline possible experiments on remote operation of accelerator systems. TTF at DESY, NICADD (A0 test facility at Fermilab) are possibilities

10 Opportunities for University Groups Use the tools to get involved in accelerator physics research to provide the horsepower to actually construct the Linear Collider As the test facilities develop there will be many opportunities to confront simulations with experiment We can use the help in getting the most out of CESR C by developing “smart” tuning software as an example

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