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Twentieth First Century Innovations/ Invenciones del Siglo XXI.

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Presentation on theme: "Twentieth First Century Innovations/ Invenciones del Siglo XXI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Twentieth First Century Innovations/ Invenciones del Siglo XXI.

2 Do a research in order to look for innovations or inventions from the twentieth first century (XXI). Select three of the most notorious inventions and prepare a power point presentation and a written production in which you include the following information: -Brief description of the inventions: mention their creator and main functions. -Why are they important for the society? Or why did they represent a revolution or a transcendental change in the society? 2

3 Your written production should be two pages in length, type it and double space. Your power point presentation is aimed at helping you with your oral presentation, so it cannot include long paragraphs or be a textual copy of your written report. Then, your power point presentation should have the most important points that you want to emphasize in your presentation. This project is part of your internal assessment evaluation. 3

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