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Hw: All Chapter 2 problems and exercises. Example 1: Electric field of a point charge is directly radially away from or toward the charge. Example 2:

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Presentation on theme: "Hw: All Chapter 2 problems and exercises. Example 1: Electric field of a point charge is directly radially away from or toward the charge. Example 2:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hw: All Chapter 2 problems and exercises

2 Example 1: Electric field of a point charge is directly radially away from or toward the charge. Example 2: Electric field of a dipole

3 Example 3: Electric field at the center of a charged ring Think first! (before you start to do calculations)

4 Example 4: Find the electric field at the center of a semi-circle of radius R, if a charge Q is uniformly spread over the semi-circle. O

5 Example 5: Electric field on ring’s axis

6 Example 6: Electric field on disk’s axis z

7 Exercise 5 page 33 In a famous experiment Millikan measured the size of the electron’s charge by adjusting an field so that the force of gravity pulling down on a small, charged oil drop was cancelled by the electric force pushing up. If the mass of the drop was kg and it contained 10 electronic charges, what size field was necessary to keep the drop in equilibrium?

8 Robert Millikan’s oil-drop experiment (1909)

9 Robert Andrews Millikan 1868-1953 American experimental physicist 1923 Nobel Prize

10 Millikan received a Bachelor’s degree in the classics from Oberlin College in 1891 and his doctorate in physics from Columbia University in 1895 – he was the first to earn a Ph.D. from that department. "At the close of my sophomore year [...] my Greek professor [...] asked me to teach the course in elementary physics in the preparatory department during the next year. To my reply that I did not know any physics at all, his answer was, 'Anyone who can do well in my Greek can teach physics.' 'All right,' said I, 'you will have to take the consequences, but I will try and see what I can do with it.' I at once purchased an Avery’s Elements of Physics, and spent the greater part of my summer vacation of 1889 at home – trying to master the subject. [...] I doubt if I have ever taught better in my life than in my first course in physics in 1889. I was so intensely interested in keeping my knowledge ahead of that of the class that they may have caught some of my own interest and enthusiasm."

11 Exercise 5 page 33 In a famous experiment Millikan measured the size of the electron’s charge by adjusting an field so that the force of gravity pulling down on a small, charged oil drop was cancelled by the electric force pushing up. If the mass of the drop was kg and it contained 10 electronic charges, what size field was necessary to keep the drop in equilibrium?

12 Motion in an electric field A positively charged object, with mass m, is placed at rest in a constant field. How fast will the object be moving after it has traveled a distance L?

13 Have a great day! Please don’t forget your pictures Hw: All Chapter 2 problems and exercises Reading: Chapter 3

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