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P09651 – Visible Spectrum Imaging System Lead: Dave Lewis Brian Russell Aditi Khare.

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1 P09651 – Visible Spectrum Imaging System Lead: Dave Lewis Brian Russell Aditi Khare

2 Project Status Project Family – R09560 - Open Architecture, Open Source Aerial Imaging Systems Start Term – 2008-2 End Term – 2008-3 Faculty Guide – Dr. Edward Hensel Primary Customer/Faculty Consultant – Dr. Carl Salvaggio Other Stakeholders – R09230: Open Architecture, Open Source Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Imaging Systems

3 Mission Statement Create a visible spectrum imaging system with vibration damping and a microcontroller that can be mounted on a ground or air based vehicle and interfaced with the given vehicle’s communication systems.

4 Further Definition The camera will be a commercial off-the-shelf digital camera with a resolution between 5 and 11 megapixels. The primary target vehicle for the system is the UAV-Airframe B (project P09232) in accordance with the payload constraints designated by the UAV Aircraft Payload Interface group (project P09235).

5 VSIS System Concept COTS Camera Microcontroller Power Unit Memory Interface Electronics V DC RS 232/USB Payload Interface P09235 UAV Airframe B P09232 Mounted to:

6 CameraMicrocontrollerInterface 1 st Iteration 6 wks COTS camera in mount with vibration damping. Platform meets size requirements for UAV payload. Fully operational microcontroller on development board. Fully operational interface on prototyping board with proper connection with vehicle communications. 2 nd Iteration 12 wks Weight reduction of camera and mount. E.g. Removal of battery, removal of camera casing. Printed circuit board of designed microcontroller. Printed circuit board of designed interface. 3 rd Iteration 18 wks Further weight reduction and refinement of vibration damping systems and mounting methods. Move towards modularity in use with other camera systems. Refined PCB of microcontroller. Mounted onto system. Refined PCB of interface. Mounted onto system. Iterations 62468rH3YTLC00M95448

7 Staffing Requirements Project Manager (ME) – Interface with UAV groups, Plan and assign tasks, Resource Allocation, Meet deliverables, Documentation, Camera mounting and platform design. 1 ME – Camera Selection, Vibration Damping. 2 CE – Microcontroller design and integration. 2 EE – Design and integration of interface with vehicle communications, power supply.

8 Work Breakdown Structure Team memberWeek 1 – ResearchWeek 2 - DecisionWeek 3 - Design Dave Lewis ME Project Lead Research camera mounting and platform mounting methods. Gain rough idea of payload specification of UAV group Begin design of camera mount and method of securing platform to UAV. Collaborate and begin design of imaging system platform. ME Student Research and compare a family of digital cameras by specifications. Decide upon a camera or subset of cameras that fit all needs. Research methods of vibration isolation. CE Student (Hardware) Research and compare available development boards. Decide on an acceptable development board for microcontroller design Begin design of microcontroller on development board. CE Student (Software) Research and compare available software for microcontroller programming Decide on acceptable software. Collaborate to begin programming microcontroller. EE Student (Software) Research and compare open source photo and camera software. Create communication between software and camera. Begin to isolate command subroutines within camera program. EE Student (Hardware) Research and compare prototyping boards for interface and power requirements for different systems. Decide on an acceptable prototyping board for interface design and power source. Begin design of interface board and power supply incorporation. Ensure connections to UAV interface are correct.

9 Constraints Limited by size and weight restrictions of UAV payload constraints. Memory card storage limitations. Camera’s maximum focal length. Budget constraints.

10 Risk Assessment Change in UAV payload capacity or dimensions. Vendor issues for Printed Circuit Boards fabrication. Camera takes poor pictures in motion. UAV interface failure. UAV crash with system onboard.

11 Team Values and Norms Punctuality Ethical Through Accurate Communication Collaboration

12 Resources Labs for board design. Machine shop for platform fabrication. 3D modeling software. Respective EE and CE software. Budget around $2000.

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