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Communication Ms. Morris.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication Ms. Morris."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication Ms. Morris

2 Define Communication Process of sending and receiving messages where 2 or more people achieve understanding of messages 7% words 38% voice expression 55% body gestures

3 Facts about Communication
75% Of the workday is talking and listening Of what we hear, we hear wrong Of what we hear, we forget within 3 weeks

4 Communication is the skill we need most, but yet is the skill we are the poorest at!!

5 Purpose of Communication
Inform Influence Express feelings

6 Forms of Communication
Output-based speaking and writing Input-based listening and reading Nonverbal physical behavior of people

7 Components of the Communication Process
Situation Message Sender Channel Receiver Feedback Interference

8 Situation When and where a communication takes place
Occasion and the physical settings are appropriate

9 Message Whatever is intended to be communicated by one person to another It is imperative that the message is Clear and Precise Messages are more effective if they are… -A reasonable length -Correct, concise, and interesting

10 Receiver Perception is Reality! One for whom the message is intended
Must decode the message Will have their own perception of message based on their own beliefs and knowledge Right or wrong, the way it’s perceived is the way it is, at least in our own minds

11 Feedback The way the receiver responds to the message
Allows the sender to know if the message was clearly understood

12 Non-verbal Signs Eye Contact Avoid eye contact Leaning Back
Receiver is listening Avoid eye contact Receiver is distracted Leaning Back Not actively engaged in process Arms Crossed Shutting the sender off Leaning Forward Receiver is engaged in process Nodding Receiver is encouraging more from the sender

13 Interference Anything that hinders the sender from making the message understood Outside noise Distracting thoughts

14 Communication Barriers
Language Barriers Interpersonal Barriers Situational - Timing Barriers Organizational Structure and Procedural Barriers

15 Language Barriers Deal with the way our words are understood
Problems arise from words that are… Incorrectly used Used out of context Too specialized Too vague Too many different meanings Emotional overtones Too complex or presented in an illogical or grammatically incorrect way

16 Language Barriers People may block comments they don’t want to hear
A person may have his mind on something other than what the sender is sending Filtering systems can dramatically affect communications If the message must go through several different people the initial context of the message may be altered

17 Interpersonal Barriers
Deal with the differences and personal characteristics of sender and receiver that may hinder communication Age Status Role Cultural Differences Different level of communication skills affect the process Experiences, background, and personalities impact how a message is decoded

18 Situational- Timing Barriers
Deal with time and place communication takes place The amount of noise in the environment affects how well we understand and can be understood We need to match our communication style with the situation

19 Organizational Structure and Procedural Barriers
Deal with how and trough what structure a message goes from the sender to the receiver. Space or distance between offices can affect communications Policy may not provide adequate means of communicating

20 Overcoming Communication Barriers
Improve perception Improve the physical process of communicating Improve relationships and speaking ethically

21 Improving Communication Skills
Listening Poor habits Lack of concentration Concentrate too hard Jump to conclusions Focusing on the person’s appearance or the way they speak may distract listeners

22 Poor Habits Try not to: Complete the speakers sentences
Not make eye contact Prepare a response to what is being said rather than listening Interrupt

23 Effective Listening Skills
Eliminate noise and other distractions Be quiet Put the speaker at ease by being friendly and attentive Let the speaker know you are interested in what is being said

24 Effective Listening Skills
Take notes Listen for main ideas Listen to the entire message, even if you think you object to what is being said Notice nonverbal communication, such as looks of confusion or boredom Try to put aside your opinions of the speaker - focus on the message, not the person

25 Improving reading skills
Concentrate on what you are reading Eliminate noise distractions Start by reading instructions, sections headings or summaries first At the end of each section or heading, ask yourself if you understood what was written – if not, reread Look up unfamiliar words in a dictionary Become familiar with “jargon” or words that are common to a specific subject

26 Improving reading skills
Read critically and without prejudice Do not assume everything you read is true Make the reading mean something to you Utilize graphs, charts and other visual aids to simplify what is written

27 Guidelines for effective writing
Know your audience Know why your are writing Be knowledgeable about your subject Present your ideas clearly, in a logical order Be precise Stay on the topic Use correct grammar Use correct style

28 Speaking Speak clearly Make eye contact with your audience
Use a pleasant tone of voice Use good grammar and appropriate terminology Be sure your words are understood Keep to your subject Be brief but thorough

29 Nonverbal Communication
Study the meanings of body language and use appropriate gestures Be aware of your own nonverbal communication by having others watch you while speaking Work to convey open, friendly messages Smiles Erect posture Positive nods of the head

30 Nonverbal Communication
Nonverbal communication is sometimes imprecise - Interpret with care!!! Be sensitive to the physical environment Use appropriate seating arrangements to match the type of communication environment you want to convey

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