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Reasons for change. Production of energy in former times.

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Presentation on theme: "Reasons for change. Production of energy in former times."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reasons for change

2 Production of energy in former times

3 In former times humans made use of nature. For instance, they applied horses in order to plough fields. Back then water power was used by water wheels and wind energy by windmills. As for heating they employed fire wood in contrast to the use of oil or gas nowadays.


5 Situation today

6 Rising consumption Causes -Growth of population (  rising energy consumption) -Mechanisation (e.g. electronic equipment in households) -Low energy efficiency of electronic equipments (  needless energy consumption) -Waste of energy -Increasing number of emerging markets (none environmentally friendly energy production)

7 Especially in Germany Final energy consumption in Germany year199219962005 energy consumption electricity contingent 9172 PJ 17,6% 9686 PJ 17,3% 9173 PJ 20,4%

8 Especially in Brandenburg Drinking water consumption in Brandenburg -101,6 litre per head By contrast -5 litre – Madagascar -25 litre - India -300 litre - USA

9 Resources






15 Climate change Climate change factors -Emission of greenhouse gases  greenhouse effect -Combustion of fossil fuels  carbon dioxide -Deforestation virgin forest, rainforest

16 Greenhouse effect

17 Consequences Temperature rise -Deglaciation of polar caps, glaciers -Increase of sea level -Displacement of climes -Drinking water crisis -Increase of extreme weather (flood waves, storms…) -Change of sea currents

18 Future prospects positive prospectsnegative prospects

19 Negative prospects there will be huge problems for our environment

20 Positive prospects the world and our environment could take a rest

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