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Isolated Wetlands Hydro-geo Developmental Factors of Isolated Wetlands.

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Presentation on theme: "Isolated Wetlands Hydro-geo Developmental Factors of Isolated Wetlands."— Presentation transcript:

1 Isolated Wetlands Hydro-geo Developmental Factors of Isolated Wetlands

2 Developmental Factors  SWANCC v. US Army Corps of Engineers  Geological Factors  Hydrological Factors  Isolated wetlands?

3 SWANCC v. US Army Corps of Engineers  Ruling made regulation of many isolated wetlands out of jurisdiction of the USACE  New definition of isolated wetland’s relevance needed  So why do I have to listen to you talk about water and rocks?

4 Geological Development of Wetlands  Glacial wetlands 10,000+ years ago N. Am covered in glaciers  Aeolian Wetlands Scouring of wind over time  Other geological factors Range from topographical depressions to make-up of the soil strata

5 Glacial Wetlands  Prairie Potholes 10,000 yrs ago Wisconsin Glacier retreated Stretch from North Dakota to Montana then south into Texas  Channeled Scablands Collapse of glacial ice dams Mainly in Cascade Mountain Region of Pacific NW ~85% are considered isolated

6 Aeolian Wetlands  Nebraska Sandhills 60% isolated (317,400 ha of a total 529,000 ha)  Playas cover the Southern High Plains between Texas and New Mexico Aeolian forces scouring out shallow, circular, flat bottomed basins calcium in the soil is dissolved by water collection  Rainwater Basin cover the Southern High Plains between Texas and New Mexico 90% of them geographically isolated silty loess plains

7 Other Geological Factors  Great Lake Alvar Wetlands Shallow bedrock  Topographical Depressions salt flats, costal plains and pocosins Perched clay layers Build up of fines

8 Hydrological Development of Wetlands  Karst Basin Calcium and Dolomite in soil carried away by GW  Cypress Domes  Sinkhole wetlands

9 Karst Basin Wetlands  Cypress Domes Swampy Woodlands (cypress, duh…) Sustained by precipitation run off and long retention times  Sinkhole Wetlands Intricate system of underground fissures and streams.

10 Isolated Wetlands?  Defining “isolated”  Looking at spatial and temporal relations

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