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Company LOGO Unit 1 Starting Out in a Career.

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Presentation on theme: "Company LOGO Unit 1 Starting Out in a Career."— Presentation transcript:

1 Company LOGO Unit 1 Starting Out in a Career

2 Company LOGO Alice Chen Pr Rereading Activate prior knowledge Page 2 What do you want to do? Profession? Occupation? Job? What kind of job do you want to do? Who has a big influence on you? What do you think “dentist” (tooth doctor) as a profession?

3 Company LOGO Alice Chen What Skilled Readers Do While They Read: 1. Activate prior knowledge 2. Set a purpose/reason/goal for reading 3. Decode text into words and meanings 4. Make predictions 5. Make personal connections 6. Visualize 7. Ask questions 8. Monitor understanding and summarize 9. Apply what has been learned

4 Company LOGO Alice Chen Visualize

5 Company LOGO Alice Chen Kazumi Funamoto’s profession What’s her job? The way she treats her patients How does she interact with her patients ?

6 Company LOGO Alice Chen Comprehension check Ask questions 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T

7 Company LOGO Alice Chen A Decode text into words and meanings 2. Gentle 3. Relaxed 4. Interested in 5. Career 6. Influence doing things in a quiet and careful way calm and not anxious or worried giving your attention to sth because you enjoy doing it in a particular area of work the power that sb/sth has to make sb/sth behave in a particular way bin/

8 Company LOGO Alice Chen to decide to provide everything necessary an act of moving the body or part of the body a particular situation to happen, to arrive 7. Make up her mind 8. Support 9. Movements 10. Cases 11. Come up

9 Company LOGO Alice Chen B Decode text into words and meanings 2. Support 3. Relaxed 4. Career 5. Influence 6. Interested in 7. Made up my mind 8. Came up 9. Gentle 10. Fear 11. Cases

10 Company LOGO Alice Chen c 1. Boss 2. What do you do? 3. Needle 4. Calm 5. Communication

11 Company LOGO Alice Chen Building on the vocabulary p7 2. Needle 3. Police, case 4. Boss, office 5. Family, influence, career 6. John, airport, bus 7. Friend, Australia

12 Company LOGO Alice Chen peopleplacesthingsideas

13 Company LOGO Alice Chen Developing your skills page 8 2. Interpreter 3. Her patients; make them feel calm and relaxed 4. She had braces and she liked the results; she spent some time helping in a dentist’s office.

14 Company LOGO Alice Chen Developing your skills page 8 5. A. she makes her mother happy b. she likes working with her hands. c.She likes learning new things

15 Company LOGO Alice Chen The main idea page. 9

16 Company LOGO Alice Chen Discussion pg 9

17 Company LOGO Alice Chen Presentation guideline Introduce yourself and your partners Good afternoon! My name is Alice I’m a (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, undergrad, or graduate) student from Linguistics department. Today, our topic is _______________ I’m in charge with part -----.

18 Company LOGO Alice Chen The end That’s all my part. Next my partner is going to talk about part….

19 Company LOGO Alice Chen Before the presentation 1. Understand your reading. 2. Use your own word to explain what you understand about the contents. 3. Prepare your reading with slide (ppt) and rehearse your talk. 4. Give some questions to your class. 5. Give your opinion on the issue. 6. Share your answers with your class.

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