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Florida-Friendly Best Management Practices for Protection of Water Resources by the Green Industries Fertilizer Module 4 January 26, 2010 1
Welcome This presentation is intended to enhance the professional knowledge and judgment of green industry professionals. The information presented here should be used as general and educational guidance, but specific situations may require more restrictive measures to protect sites that are at particularly high risk for adverse effects on surface and ground water. Throughout this presentation, watch for this symbol: as it identifies a best management practice to protect water quality from nutrients and pesticides. BMP 2
At the end of this module you will be able to: Define fertilizer and terms associated with fertilizers. Describe the components of a Fertilizer Management Plan Interpret and apply the information on a fertilizer label Implement practices to avoid runoff and leaching of fertilizers Calculate the amount of fertilizer to be applied according to the recommended rates Apply recommended rates Training Objectives 3
What are fertilizers? Page 25 4
Fertilizer Defined Any substance that contains one or more recognized plant nutrients and promotes plant growth, or controls soil acidity or alkalinity, or provides other soil enrichment, or provides other corrective measures to the soil. 5
Why Fertilize: Basic Principles 1.Correct pest or other problems first 2.Check soil pH 3.Modify sandy soil (amendments) 4.Know needs of landscape plants 5.Read all fertilizer label instructions 6.Use minimum amount of fertilizer for the job
Soil Test Basis for determining a fertility program pH as well as macro and micro nutrients Phosphorus testing is particularly important Do not soil test for N o Very mobile o Use IFAS recommended rates BMP What areas should be avoided when sampling the area? See Page 36 7
Soil pH: Nutrient Availability 8
Three Fertilizer Items to Know 1.Fertilizer Analysis 2.Label 3.Macro/Micro Nutrients 9
(P 2 O 5 ) Phosphorous (N) Total Nitrogen 1. Fertilizer Analysis Is the fertilizer label, the law? See Page 25 15 - 0 - 15 (K 2 O) Potassium 10
2. Fertilizer Label: Guaranteed Analysis Example: 14-0-26 11
3. Macro/Micro Nutrients Macronutrients: Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium Calcium Magnesium Sulfur From Environment: Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Micronutrients: Iron Manganese Boron Copper Molybdenum Zinc Nickel 12
Why fertilize? More information: page 33 13
Why apply Nitrogen in Florida? Nitrogen is a structural part of all proteins, and many other compounds essential to life. A steady supply is needed for plant growth Many of Florida’s sandy soils are deficient in N. Some N comes from air, water, and decaying organic matter IFAS generally recommends 1 - 7 lb of N/1000 ft 2 per year, depending on species, location in state, climate, soils, stress, etc. Maintenance of perennial turf generally requires inputs of N as fertilizer at regular intervals. Established trees and shrubs may not need any. N may be a pollutant if assimilated in quantity in ground or surface water More Information Page 29 and 34 BMP 14
Nitrogen Management Plan Two primary forms of Nitrogen Sources Rate and Frequency Timing and Season Location in the State Soil Type Turfgrass Species BMP What is one of the first steps in developing a turfgrass fertilization Management plan? See Page 25 15
Fertilization Timing Do not fertilize when heavy rainfall is expected (NWS tropical watch or warning or flood watch for the area) BMP 16
Sources of N Water Soluble and Insoluble Water Soluble WSN Water Insoluble WIN N N N N N N N N N N N 17
N-Release Mechanism Microbial Hydrolysis (Moisture) Temperature Osmotic Diffusion N N- Release MECHANISMMECHANISM 18
Fate of Nitrogen: Used by the Plant Nitrogen stays within reach of root systems Effective Root Zone N N N N N N N N N N N N N N D. Rainey 19
Fate of Nitrogen: Volatilization N N N N N N N N N N N N N N D. Rainey 20
Fate of Nitrogen: Leaching N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Ground Water – Aquifer N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N What Happened? N N N N N N N D. Rainey 21
N N N-N- N-N- N N N N N N NN N-N- N Fate of Nitrogen: Runoff N N N-N- N N N N D. Rainey 22 D. Rainey
Quick Release vs. Slow Release Sources When quick release sources are properly applied, they do not leach significantly more. 23
Quick Release vs. Slow Release Sources The potential for leaching due to misapplication or overwatering is greater with soluble sources. 24
Quick Release vs. Slow Release Sources The potential for leaching due to heavy rain soon after applying is greater with soluble sources 25
Quick Release vs. Slow Release Sources The potential for runoff due to heavy rain several weeks after application may be greater with slow release sources 26
Deliver the fertilizer to the target Check the delivery rate Check for appearance Avoid non-target surfaces Application BMP The rate of nutrient application for N depends on a number of factors. What are those factors? See page 29 A.J. Koski CSU 27
Define Area of Application Measure: Lawn area in Square Feet = Length X Width 40’ 25’ 40’ x 25’ = 1,000 square feet of front lawn BMP 28
Application: Drop or Rotary Use the right kind of spreader and spreading techniques, or else… 29
Use a deflector shield near water Leave at least 3’ untreated buffer Without deflector shield leave 10’ ring Ordinances may vary, respect required fertilizer-free conservation easements and stormwater treatment buffers. Ring of Responsibility BMP 30
How Does a Deflector Shield Works? D. Rainey 31
Use Deflector Shield: Impervious Surfaces, Storm Drains, and Waterbodies Stormwater Drain Asphalt Sidewalks BMP Fertilizer Setback 32
Why Buffer? 33
Nitrogen Fertilizers Quick Release also “water soluble” or “readily available” Recommended Rate 0.5 lb. (N) / 1,000ft 2 / Application More information: page 26 34 BMP
Form: Water Soluble Nitrogen Quick Response is Desired Establishment - “Green-In” Renovation Limited sustainability 35
Water Soluble: Quick Release TypeSolubleLeachableSalt IndexVolatilization Ammonium Sulfate 21%N High 3.25High Ammonium Nitrate 34% N High 2.99High Urea: 46% NHigh Nonionic 1.62High 36
Nitrogen Fertilizers Slow Release also “controlled release” (CR) or water insoluble (WIN) Recommended Rate < 1 lb. (N)/1000ft 2 / Application More Information: Page 27-28 37 BMP
Slow or Controlled-Release Fertilizers A fertilizer containing a plant nutrient in a form which delays its availability for plant update and use after application, or which extends availability to the plant significantly longer that a reference “quick-nitrogen release form” 38
Form: Water Insoluble Nitrogen Increases the delay of nitrogen release found in fertilizer sources: Natural organic Slow Release N sources 39
Slow Release: WIN Polymers TypeWIN%N-ReleaseDescription Urea Formaldehyde 38% N 65-71Biological/ Microbial Rate influenced by soil temperature Less effective in cool seasons. Maybe found in liquid forms Methylene Urea 40% N 36Biological/ Microbial Provides better performance in cool temps than UF. It is typically marketed as Nutralene. Isobutylidene Diurea - IBDU 31% N 90%HydrolysisFertilizer performs better than many others at low temps. Fastest in low pH and High Temps 40
Slow Release: Coated TypeN-ReleaseDescription Sulfur Coated Urea 32-38% N Coating Thickness Biological Soil Temp Increasing thickness lowers the N content. The release rate quickens as coating thickness decreases and as temperature increases. Polymer Coated Variable % N Coating Thickness Soil Temp Osmotic Diffusion Rate Polymer coats provide a much more uniform release rate than sulfur coats. This technology provides good response in either warm or cool temps (faster release in warm temps). These are usually more expensive. 41
~¼ Inch Only enough water to move granules off of leaves Irrigation After Fertilization 42 BMP
Fertilization of Established Grasses: Should be applied based on soil and/or tissue test Often ample in plant available form in FL Turf needs are low DACS Fertilizer Rule limits use: o 0.25 lb 1,000 ft -2 per application o 0.5 lb 1,000 ft -2 yearly Needs increase under traffic or other stresses Phosphate Fertilizers BMP Phosphorous 43
Potassium Potassium is similar to a multi-vitamin for turf Improved Drought Tolerance What is the recommended N:K ratio? See Page 31 BMP Improved Disease Resistance 44
A Magnesium deficiency may be found in many parts of the state This may affect landscape plants 2 ½ lbs. Mg/1000ft²/yr may be applied Magnesium (Mg) Mg 45 BMP
Iron (Fe) pH sensitive (Alkaline) Greening response (short) Iron should be applied to the soil not as foliar application. Iron chelates work best in rainy season from June - September. Fe Based on BMPs for Turfgrass and Landscape Fertilization, what is the recommendation for Fe and/or Mn instead of N to enhance turfgrass color. See page 39 BMP 46
Fertilizer Calculations 47
Review Single N Applications Follow UF recommended annual N rates 0.5 lb. N 1000 ft 2 if water soluble Up to 1 lb. N 1000 ft 2 if slow-release 48 BMP
N Calculations 15-0-15, 50% slow-release N How much N per 1,000 ft 2 ? 49
N Calculations How much 15-0-15 will supply the correct N amount to 1,000 ft 2 ? 50
100/15 = 6.6 6.6 lbs. of fertilizer to cover 1,000 ft 2 at 1 lb N /1,000 ft 2 N Calculations 51
Fertilizer Calculations- Milorganite How much 6-2-0 fertilizer? 52
Formula> 1 lb /1,000 ft 2 100/6 = 16.6 16.6 lbs. of fertilizer to cover 1,000 ft 2 at 1 lb N /1,000 ft 2 Fertilizer Calculations- Milorganite 53
Fertilizer Calculations- Urea How much 46-0-0 (quick release) fertilizer? 54
Fertilizer Calculations- Urea Formula> 0.5 lb /1,000 ft 2 100/46 = 2.2 To apply 0.5 lb. N per 1,000 ft 2 : 2.2 /2 = 1.1 1.1 lbs. of f ertilizer to cover 1,000 ft 2 at 1 lb N /1,000 ft 2 55
Total Nitrogen % = Amount 6% N (Low) Larger amounts of fertilizer 15% N (Medium) Medium amounts of fertilizer 46% N (High)Very Low amounts of fertilizer 56
Fertilizer Calibration, Loading, and Storage
Calibrate spreaders & sprayers frequently Ensure they are clean and maintained properly Double check the material used and application rate desired Calibration BMP 58
Spreader Calibration Determine amount needed for the test area Capture material (bucket or measured tarp) Walk the spreader over test area Weigh applied material Compare to the required amount Adjust spreader BMP
Sprayer Calibration Determine how much fertilizer is needed for the test area Determine how long it takes to spray that area Determine the amount sprayed in that time Compare and adjust as needed BMP
Sweep-up spills! BMP Load liquid and/or granular fertilizer on impervious (paved) surfaces can pollute water bodies
Fertilizer Storage Store fertilizer in areas protected from rainfall Load fertilizer away from wells or waterbodies Store fertilizer away from flammable substances Clean up spills immediately BMP 62
Do you need a license to apply fertilizers? 63
Limited Commercial Fertilizer Applicator Certificate (LCFAC) Issued by FDACS - Chapter 482 Required by January 1, 2014 GI-BMP certificate training pre-requisite [approved equivalent] $25 fee, renewal every 4 years 4 hours of CEUs required for renewal Not required if application is only to property owed by you, your firm, or your employer- “Institutional Applicator” LCFAC holders are exempt from further local testing 64
This slide set was adapted from the presentation SOLUBLE vs. CONTROLLED RELEASE NITROGEN FERTILIZERS by J.B. Sartain University of Florida And by Mike Thomas, FDEP Laurie Trenholm, UF-IFAS Don Rainey, UF-IFAS Alberto Chavez, FDEP Last update October 2009 Thank you! 65
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