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Science Operations Status Maria Santos-Lleo EPIC cal & ops meeting, Madrid 23-24 March, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Operations Status Maria Santos-Lleo EPIC cal & ops meeting, Madrid 23-24 March, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Operations Status Maria Santos-Lleo EPIC cal & ops meeting, Madrid 23-24 March, 2010

2 Science Operations | M.Santos-Lleo |EPIC meeting | March 2010 | Pag. 2 Contents  Science program status  Mission planning  Community Support  Instruments  SAS  Users Group

3 Science Operations | M.Santos-Lleo |EPIC meeting | March 2010 | Pag. 3 Science Program  AO8, May 2009 - April 2010: status as of March 16 : A+B performed: 12,300 ks: 95% C: 2800 ks: 32% of recommended C time  AO9, May 2010 – April 2011 Oversubscription 7.7 & 539 proposals Second phase finished February 5, enhancement ~ finished  A10 milestones: Call open on August 24, 2010 Closure on October 8 (12UT) 2010 Approved program: late December 2010 Second phase: January 10 – February 4, 2011 Start observations: May 2011 Courtesy: P.Rodriguez

4 Science Operations | M.Santos-Lleo |EPIC meeting | March 2010 | Pag. 4 Mission Planning  AO9: May 2010 – April 2011: Long Term Plan in preparation, to go public in May  Scheduling: On-board antenna constraints check at SOC  efficiency fully recovered Frequent Ground/Station maintenance-upgrade periods  need to use backup G/S with sometimes lower performance  Some impact on scheduling

5 Science Operations | M.Santos-Lleo |EPIC meeting | March 2010 | Pag. 5 Community Support: data access  Archive: next XSA release week of April 26: access to 2XMMiDR3, Access to next incremental version of Slew Catalogue  Latest Slew Results (R.Duro, R.Saxton, N.Schartel)  BiRD updated with public data until September 2009 (R.Gonzalez & P.Rodriguez)

6 Science Operations | M.Santos-Lleo |EPIC meeting | March 2010 | Pag. 6 Community Support: workshops  Science Workshop: Ultra-luminous X-ray sources and Middle Weight Black Holes Program to be available on April 15 Workshop 24-26 May at ESAC (bus transport from Madrid)  X-ray Universe 2011 : May or June 2011, new venue (a European capital?)  SAS workshop : 21-25 June  10 th anniversary presentations at:

7 Science Operations | M.Santos-Lleo |EPIC meeting | March 2010 | Pag. 7 Community Support: documentation  Users Handbook: next update needed for AO-10: Calibration scientist (Matteo) will ask for inputs in early May Inputs needed by end of May  SAS manual: update following next release  Reminder: send your preferred pictures to the Gallery  Reminder: let us know about Thesis done with XMM-Newton data

8 Science Operations | M.Santos-Lleo |EPIC meeting | March 2010 | Pag. 8 Instruments  RGS: see Andy’ s presentation  OM Overall performance is monitored through regular observation of spectro- photometric standard stars: – time dependent sensitivity degradation correction is implemented into SAS. Bad pixels (dead and low sensitivity) are checked using flat fields and extended objects observations. Sources affected by bad pixels are flagged into SAS. Astrometry and photometric calibration (instrumental system, conversion to standard Johnson UBV and AB system in UV) are applied by SAS Grisms wavelength and absolute flux calibration applied by SAS A OM calibration paper will be submitted to a refereed publication soon.

9 Science Operations | M.Santos-Lleo |EPIC meeting | March 2010 | Pag. 9 SAS  SAS 10 is in the track … Currently frozen, Waiting for validation results  See Richard’ s presentation

10 Science Operations | M.Santos-Lleo |EPIC meeting | March 2010 | Pag. 10 Users Group  Meeting #11: 12-13 May at ESAC  Recommendations for EPIC: see Matteo’ s presentation  Other: Time epoch-dependent fudge function for RGS effective area such that the joint analysis of RGS and EPIC data is possible Continue to play a leading role in cross-cal with other missions RISA: long-term task with low priority, investigate as well other options Investigate if coordinated efforts to maintain software and prepare for the future with Chandra, Heasarc, Suzaku …  New chair after this meeting: Xavier Barcons, already attending in May

11 Science Operations | M.Santos-Lleo |EPIC meeting | March 2010 | Pag. 11 Science  See, e.g. N.Schartel presentation in the 10 th anniversary event

12 Science Operations | M.Santos-Lleo |EPIC meeting | March 2010 | Pag. 12 Thanks ! Thank you very much to the Instrument teams for their continuous support and contribution to science operations ! Questions?

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