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Do you have change? Innovation in Cash Transfer Programming ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION'S HUMANITARIAN AID PARTNERS Bruxelles, 18 th and.

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Presentation on theme: "Do you have change? Innovation in Cash Transfer Programming ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION'S HUMANITARIAN AID PARTNERS Bruxelles, 18 th and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do you have change? Innovation in Cash Transfer Programming ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION'S HUMANITARIAN AID PARTNERS Bruxelles, 18 th and 19 th of November 2011

2 The Cash Learning Partnership Capacity Building Evidence based Research Information sharing

3 Forthcoming Research Assess the Preparedness of Humanitarian Stakeholders to Design and Implement Cash Transfer Programmes at Scale in Emergencies Market analysis in cash transfer programmesUrban Cash and Voucher Programming New technology for enhancing cash transfer programming

4 Growing momentum for CTP 2006-2011 Advocacy for cash based programming Development of basic guidelines and rolling out training to individuals 2012-2015 Development of institutional capacity Development of leadership and coordination structures and operational partnerships Evidence base on impact of CTP

5 Preparedness for CTP at Scale Institutional policies Responsibility for CTP Delivering in-kind / Risk averse systems Systems/procedures Assessment tools Funding New technology / Social safety nets Technical capacity Level of details Awareness raising / Internal focus Pre-positioning Contingency planning Approaches / multi sector Lack of coordination Government support Coordination

6 Case Study: Smart Cards in Zimbabwe Access to a large range of services through PoS or cash Ability to transact in fractions of dollars during purchases Combination of CTP and livelihoods support Cash for work beneficiaries have access to loans and savings

7 Cash through Traders in Turkana Unconditional cash grants through traders One-off start up grant to traders Trader business support

8 Innovations in CTP: Trends Cash + in-kind Cash + economic recovery support Combined programming Unconditional cash grants E-vouchers with cash back Multi-sector interventions Emergency CTP leading to social protection Scale-up of safety nets in a crisis Linkages with local economic & financial actors Linkages between emergency & recovery Innovation is about good programming, not just the use of new technology Appropriate technology


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