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Tools for international cooperation in the field of science and technology Iulia Mihail Director Department of European Integration and International Cooperation.

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Presentation on theme: "Tools for international cooperation in the field of science and technology Iulia Mihail Director Department of European Integration and International Cooperation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools for international cooperation in the field of science and technology Iulia Mihail Director Department of European Integration and International Cooperation Ministry of Education and Research National Authority for Scientific Research Str. Mendeleev nr. 21-25, sector 1, 010362 Bucureşti Tel.: 212.77.91; Fax: 318.30.53; E-mail:

2 Tools to facilitate the participation on the R&D market Bilateral Cooperation Cooperation in the frame of international organizations Participation in international programmes and initiatives: EUREKA, COST, NATO, ESF Participation in European programmes, in particular to FP7

3 Bilateral Cooperation: the partnership relations should be based on on going national research activities. Internationale Organisations: strict participation rules should be followed. Example – International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnologies, Trieste ( EUREKA – initiative mainly for applicative research with marketable applications ( COST – platform for multilateral cooperation ( NATO – aplicativ research for fighting against terrorism and other threats against security. Atention: no finantial support for medical research, but yes for sumer schools, seminars for advanced research, reintegration fellowships for former NATO fellows, grants for mobility for commun research thems ( DG JRC – Example: Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, Ispra ( scientific support for the European Commission in the field of health and consumers’ protection. See “Open call for researchers”.

4 Framework Programme 7 FP7: Lisbon – “knowledge for growth” (cunoaştere pentru dezvoltare). Duration: 2007 – 2013 Budget: arround 55 bil. EUR New: increased annual budget compared to FP6, fundamental research, simplification of procedures, externalisation of some activities.

5 Programe Specifice Cooperare – Cercetare in Parteneriat Oameni – Potential uman JRC (nuclear) Idei – Cercetari de frontiera Capacitati – Capacitati de cercetare JRC (non-nuclear) Euratom +

6 Cooperare – Cercetare in Parteneriat 10 Prioritati Tematice (Thematics priorities) 1.Sanatate 2.Alimente, Agricultura si Biotehnologie 3.Tehnologiile Societatii Informationale 4.Nanostiinte, Nanotehnologii, Materiale si noi Technologii de Productie 5.Energie 6.Mediu si schimbari climatice 7.Transport 8.Stiinte Socio-Economice si Umaniste 9.Spatiu 10.Cercetare pentru securitate

7 Let’s communicate! Tel.: 212.77.91; Fax: 318.30.53 E-mail:

8 Rue Montoyer nr. 23, etaj 4 1000 Bruxelles, Belgia Persoane contact ale ANCS Persoane contact ale ANCS: Letiţia Clara Stănilă Antoaneta Popescu Tel.: +32.2.505.3000, Fax: +32.2.513.3200;

9 Romanian Office for Science and Technology to the European Union - ROST - Following services will be provided to institutions and scientific community: promotion of the Romanian research-development- innovation system; searching and facilitating links with European partners; specific dissemination and promotion; facilitating the connections with the European institutions, similar bodies, national institutions and organizations; recommendations regarding the European best-practices in the research-development-innovation field.

10 Expected results on long term: * achieving a participation level of the Romanian scientific community in the research framework-programmes comparable to the European average; * gradually increasing the integration of the Romanian scientific community in the research framework programmes. 6 vacancies are reserved for the Romanian public and private institutions and organisations personnel interested in participating in the European research programmes..

11 Bruxelles, 21 March 2006

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