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Presentation Methods HPER 431. 1)Understand Focus Population Assets & Needs  Needs Assessments  Provide direction for matching objectives to the selection.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Methods HPER 431. 1)Understand Focus Population Assets & Needs  Needs Assessments  Provide direction for matching objectives to the selection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Methods HPER 431

2 1)Understand Focus Population Assets & Needs  Needs Assessments  Provide direction for matching objectives to the selection of methods  Provide better understanding of population learning styles  Multiple Intelligences of Learning (MIL)  Visual  Kinesthetic  Verbal  Interpersonal  Intrapersonal  Logical-mathematical  Musical  Naturalistic  Provide details of the environmental, social, and cultural factors that influence participant health behaviors

3 2) Develop Meaningful Goals and Objectives  Objective = Outcome + Target + Conditions + Criterion  Selection of presentation method depends on:  Length of program  Complexity of objective  Experience of participants  Structure of the program  Attitude of participants  Learning styles of participants

4 3) Identify & Select Appropriate Presentation Methods  Pp. 168 – 169  Special situations, p. 170

5 4) Gather Resources to Aid Method Implementation  Ensure resources are accurate, up-to-date and appropriate for audience  Determine value using author credentials, evidence of peer review, and consistency with similar resources

6 5) Evaluate the Effectiveness of Method  Collect information related to the appropriateness of objectives, content and methods  Collect data on impact objectives  Avoid yes/no responses and allow for qualitative response

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