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Vice and Virtue in Everyday Life Chapter 5

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1 Vice and Virtue in Everyday Life Chapter 5

2 Happiness and the Virtues, Aristotle
Happiness is the highest of all practical goods. Three types of life: pleasure, political, and contemplative. True happiness is virtuous activity of the soul.

3 Aristotle Virtue has to do with our actions and our feelings.
The Doctrine of the Mean Happiness is not the same thing as amusement. Happiness and contemplation

4 Virtue and the Human Soul, Augustine
Man’s chief good is happiness. The chief good of the body is the soul. Virtue perfects the soul. In following God we live well and are happy.

5 The Art of Living, Epictetus
What is truly under our control? Desires are dangerous. All of us must play our assigned parts. We must despise what is not up to us.

6 The World of Epictetus, Stockdale
Stockdale’s captivity in Viet Nam Education should illuminate values. Integrity is essential. Life is not fair. Entering the world of Epictetus Theatrics

7 Virtue or Duty? Mayo Neither universalizability nor maximizing happiness is the basic moral issue. The basic moral question is Aristotle’s: “What kind of person shall I be?” The unity of character Heroes and saints give us an example to follow.

8 Tradition and the Virtues, MacIntyre
Humans are essentially story-telling animals. The unity of a life My history and roles constitute my moral starting points. Virtues sustain traditions.

9 The Ethics of Virtue, Rachels
Should we return to the ethics of virtue? An explanation of the ethics of virtue Some particular virtues: courage, honesty, generosity, loyalty The importance of the virtues Pros and cons of virtue ethics

10 Of Justice and Beneficence, Adam Smith
There is a connection between our moral sentiments and moral virtue. Justice should be compelled. Lack of benevolence is blameworthy, but not punishable. Consciousness of merit

11 The Origin of the Moral Sense, Darwin
Animals with social instincts will probably acquire a moral sense. Social instincts are the source of the moral sense.

12 The Parable of the Sadhu, Bowen McCoy
The story of the ascent and the discovery of the sadhu The individual ethic and the corporate ethic Assumption of responsibility The lesson of the sadhu for all of us

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