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EARTH SCIENCE FINAL PREP. Where did the matter that makes up the earth most directly come from?

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Presentation on theme: "EARTH SCIENCE FINAL PREP. Where did the matter that makes up the earth most directly come from?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Where did the matter that makes up the earth most directly come from?

3 Giant exploded stars that formed nebula of dust and gas

4 How do we know the earth isn’t made of matter from the BIG BANG?

5 Because the Big Bang only produced Helium, Hydrogen and a couple of trace elements

6 Where did our atmosphere first come from?

7 Volcanoes gave off carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrogen and other gasses

8 Where did the oceans most directly come from after the earth cooled down a lot?

9 Condensation of water vapor in the atmosphere

10 Why are the daytime and nighttime temperature the same on Venus?

11 It’s carbon dioxide atmosphere lets sunlight in, but doesn’t let the heat back out

12 What causes the pressure in a star that causes it to begin its burning reaction?


14 If very humid warm air hits very cold humid air, what kind of weather is most likely to occur?

15 Precipitation of some sort, depending on the temperature

16 Maritime air masses are always?

17 Wet

18 Tropical air masses are always

19 Warm

20 Continental air masses are always

21 Dry

22 Polar air masses are always

23 Cold

24 What is the largest object?

25 Left to Right Dust & Gas Planetesimals Proto-planets Planet

26 Why do planets finally stop getting larger?

27 They sweep up all of the dust and gas

28 Why is Neptune the coldest planet?

29 Farthest from the sun

30 Why was the earth once molten? (What was the main cause of the heat?)

31 Collisions of the proto-planets melted it

32 What is the force that causes particles in space to keep forming larger and larger clumps until they finally become a planet?

33 Force = Gravity

34 Why is Venus hotter than Mercury ?

35 Heat from the sun radiates away from Mercury because it has no atmosphere. Heat from the sun can’t escape Venus’ atmosphere because it is made of carbon dioxide

36 Why were the gas giants able to capture hydrogen when the inner planets were unable to capture hydrogen?

37 Near the sun, hydrogen and helium are warm and move too fast fro a planet to capture them. Out near the gas giants it is very cold and the molecules slow down enough to be captured by the planets gravity

38 What protects us from solar wind on earth?

39 Earth’s magnetosphere or magnetic field

40 The temperature of a star can be determined by it’s color. What is the correct order of star colors from the coolest to the hottest?

41 Red Cool Yellow Warmer White Hot Blue REAL HOT

42 How can we tell when a blue star or a white star dies?

43 They EXPLODE!

44 BOOM!

45 What type of star is the coolest?

46 Red dwarf

47 What type of star is our sun?

48 Yellow

49 What type of star has the most gravity?

50 Blue

51 What type of star has the least gravity?

52 Red Dwarf

53 Iceland is warmer than would be expected because of

54 The heat from the gulf stream current heats Iceland

55 The type of energy transfer where a hot fluid (liquid or gas) rises then sinks again is called

56 Convection

57 Heated fluid's molecules push apart causing the fluid to expand and become ----.

58 Less Dense

59 In a fluid mixture, (liquid or gas) the LEAST DENSE fluid --.

60 Floats to the top

61 The type of energy transfer where one molecule in a solid directly passes heat energy to the molecule next to it is called--.

62 Conduction (the molecules have to touch)

63 The type of energy transfer where energy travels in electromagnetic waves through space is called - -

64 RAYdiation

65 When you get a suntan it demonstrates what type of energy transfer?

66 Radiation

67 Why does the wind blow out from the beach toward the ocean on a cool Fall night?

68 Warm water heats the air that touches it, causes it to become less dense and rise. Cool air is pulled out from the beach to replace the air that has risen

69 If you mix 3 colored fluids together, how can you tell which one is the least dense?

70 The one that floats to the top is the least dense

71 What time if year is a temperature inversion most likely to occur in Denver?

72 Late winter or early spring (Cold ground, and possibility of warm air from the desert

73 What weather conditions do you need for an inversion to occur?

74 Cold Ground Warm upper air from somewhere else Fairly calm air

75 Why does the smoke stop rising in an inversion?

76 As the smoke rises through the cold air it cools and becomes more dense. When it reaches the warm air the smoke is denser than the warm air and cannot float through it.

77 what type of energy transfer is always powering the air flow?

78 Convection

79 On the first day of Spring or Fall, what place on Earth will have 12 hours of sunlight?

80 All places on earth will have 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness

81 On the first day of our spring, which direction does Earth’s North axis Point?

82 Neither toward nor away from the sun. The axis is actually pointing sideways to the sun on the first day of spring and the first day of fall

83 On the first day of our summer, which direction does Earth’s North axis Point?

84 Toward the sun

85 Mars used to have both running water and an atmosphere. Why are both nearly gone now?

86 It’s magnetic field collapsed and the solar wind blew them away.

87 If our yellow sun is 6 billion years old, how much longer do we think it will live?

88 About 4 billion years

89 Where does INTRUSIVE igneous rock form?

90 Inside the volcano or the ground

91 EXTRUSIVE igneous rock generally has ______.

92 Large crystals form because it takes a long time to cool

93 Acid rain affects what type of rock most strongly?

94 Limestone Marble Calcite

95 How do lichens affect the weathering process?

96 They secrete acid that etches the rock

97 Sink holes are results of what type of weathering?

98 Chemical, because acid rain seeps into the rock to dissolve the rock, thus forming caves. When the roof caves in it leaves a sinkhole

99 What is the cause of exfoliation?

100 Daily heating and cooling makes the outer layer of the rock expand and shrink, causing it to eventually peel away from the inner part of the rock

101 What are the properties of any mineral?

102 –A mineral is a natural inorganic solid with one chemical formula and aspecific crystalline structure

103 TELL ME THE CORRECT CLASS OF WEATHERING on the next few slides

104 Water abrasion

105 Mechanical

106 Wind abrasion

107 Mechanical

108 Acid Rain


110 RUST


112 Exfoliation

113 Mechanical

114 Root wedging


116 Ice wedging

117 Mechanical

118 Lichens


120 Me, throwing a rock off a cliff


122 What are characteristics of minerals that can be used to identify them?

123 Color Hardness Streak Density Luster Crystal shape Acid test

124 Explain what causes unloading.

125 A rock deep underground forms under great pressure. When that pressure is unloaded by weathering of the overlaying rock, the formerly buried rock expands and cracks

126 Why does intrusive igneous rock have large crystals?

127 Mineral crystals take a long time to form. Rock that cools inside the earth cools very slowly, thus giving the crystals time to grow.

128 To make igneous rock from any type of rock you need


130 To make sedimentary rock from any type of rock you need


132 To make metamorphic rock from any type of rock you need


134 Rocks that came from dissolved seashells but were deposited chemically are what type of rock?

135 ORGANIC because thay came from living things

136 What is foliation in metamorphic rock?

137 EITHER extreme layering OR bands of color

138 Crystals in foliated metamorphic rock under extreme pressure often

139 Flatten out and fuse to the crystals next to them. This causes foliation

140 Bits and pieces of weathered rock that are squeezed together and harden into rock form what type of sedimentary rock?

141 CLASTIC Sedimentary Rock

142 Baltimore Gneiss has what type of banding?

143 Nice easy to see banding

144 Why must sedimentary rock always cover coal?

145 It provides the pressure that converts coal from plant matter into nearly pure carbon rocks

146 Where does sedimentary rock usually form?

147 Almost always underwater

148 Bituminous coal that goes through metamorphosis becomes

149 Anthracite coal also called hard coal

150 a good example of a non-foliated metamorphic rock is

151 Non-foliated Metamorphic Rock Marble Amphibolite Anthracite

152 a good example of a foliated metamorphic rock is

153 Foliated metamorphic rock Slate Mica Gneiss Schist Phyllite

154 What type of volcano is in the picture below?

155 Shield Don’t blow up Tallest mountain in the world

156 Shield up to 30,000 ft

157 What type of volcano is in the picture below?

158 Cinder cone – Smallest volcano Loose rock Doesn’t blow up

159 Cinder Cone – 200 – 1800 ft

160 What type of volcano is in the picture below?

161 Composite – 10,000 – 15,000 Ft

162 Type of mountain?

163 FOLDED- see the folds?

164 Type of mountain?

165 Uplifted! See the arrow?

166 Why do composite volcanoes tend to blow up?

167 They are composed of many layers that don’t stick together well. They will hold a lot of pressure, but eventually aren’t strong enough to hold it and BLOW UP

168 How does pressure cause foliation in some metamorphic rocks?

169 Pressure causes the crystals in the rock to flatten and fuse to the crystals next to them, thus making bands of color or actual layers that peel apart


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