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Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Final Year Project 2006  2007 Presentation Present by HO3 Hau Yin Wing Amy Lam Chun Kit Ron Wu Ka Chun.

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Presentation on theme: "Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Final Year Project 2006  2007 Presentation Present by HO3 Hau Yin Wing Amy Lam Chun Kit Ron Wu Ka Chun."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Final Year Project 2006  2007 Presentation Present by HO3 Hau Yin Wing Amy Lam Chun Kit Ron Wu Ka Chun Ronald Advised by Prof. Andrew Horner

2 Outline 1. Introduction 2. Design 3. Implementation 4. Testing and Evaluation 5. Challenges 6. Conclusion 7. The Trailer 8. Q & A

3 Introduction Motivation: –Interested in Game Developing –Response to the Government’s Effort in promoting Creative Industry in HK Objectives: –Develop a 3D adventure Game with multi-gaming styles. Such as a wide range of minigames and control systems. –Beautiful Graphics and Exciting Sound Effects are also emphasized.

4 Introduction Game Story –In the night of CS OCamp, three CS freshmen, Amy, Ronald and Ron received an invitation card to LG2 from Mr. Renroh. –They were burnt with curiosity and opened the door to LG2. However, they were transferred to the University of Soul and Terror after that. –They tried to find a way back to the real world, and the mysterious and scary story began!

5 Design System Architecture Multipurpose Game System + Jad Engine Battle System Minigame System Characters Stages AICamera GUIScenesAnimationSound State

6 Implementation Game System –Normal System –Battle System –Minigame System

7 Implementation Normal System –GUI, Characters Interactions, Stages Loading, setup the basic game environment.

8 Implementation Minigame System

9 Implementation Battle System

10 Implementation 3D Characters implementation –Using Milkshape 3D, Lithunwrap

11 Implementation 3D scenes Implementation –3DStudio Max 8 + Lithunwrap

12 Implementation Control Mode 3rd Person Mode1st Person Mode

13 Implementation Sound and Music –Background Music Different background music for each stage, scene, and minigame. –Sound Effects Different sound effects for different characters in different actions.

14 Testing and Evaluation Trial runs of the game were performed on different PCs and Laptops. Demo Game Trial (Early April) –About 10 testers involved –All the testers give positive comments

15 Challenges Problem: –Errors in Collision Detection between the characters and the scenes Solution: –ConvexHull

16 Challenges Problem: –Some model of the scenes are too complex to export. Solution: –Divide each stage into different zones, and implement separate scene models for each of them.

17 Conclusion Achievement: –Designed an EXCITING multi-game styles 3D adventure game. –Can be used as an Technical Demo for CS Department or UST to raise the students’ interest about UST. Future Extension –Skill Learning System –Cleverer Enemy AI –Player Changing System

18 The Trailer

19 Question And Answer Session

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