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Berkeley Conference on Green Building, The Economy, and Public Policy December 2-3,2009 Panel discussion on research issues Bjorn Harsman, KTH, Stockholm.

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1 Berkeley Conference on Green Building, The Economy, and Public Policy December 2-3,2009 Panel discussion on research issues Bjorn Harsman, KTH, Stockholm

2 Do green buildings add up to green cities? S Sheppard (2008): The expected ”volume” of new cities and urban neighborhoods over the next 30 years correspond to the present built environment accumulated during 3000 years P Newton et al (1997): Reports considerable ”short run” air quality differences between alternative scenarios of future urban forms Glaeser and Kahn (2009): Some US cities emit more CO 2 than others; land use restriction may increase emissions Research: Extend SS´s approach by adding data on energy consumption, emissions, air pollution and urban form

3 CO 2 -emissions per GDP and per capita in EU and OECD 2005

4 EU: strong ambitions and …. The 20/20/20 plan (27 countries, 491 million people ) : Cut greenhouse gas emissions by 20% (from the 1990 levels), increase renewable energy usage by 20% and cut energy consumption through improved energy efficiency by 20% …strong believe in regulations

5 Examples of directives and action plans initiated since 2000 Energy performance of buildings directive Eco-design of energy-using products directive Directive on promotion of energy use from renewable resources Energy end-use, efficiency and energy services directive Environmental technologies action plan …. Research: the balance between adminstratively and market oriented policy measures in different sectors in different countries? The role played by constitutions/traditions, dominating expert knowledge, NGO´s, level of income, etc

6 Housing consumption expenditure in Sweden, million SEK, fixed price YearHousing consump tion Out of which electricity, gas and fuels Energy use in per cent 1000´s of housing units 1994286 20055 70019,5%2 304 2000291 90052 80018,1%2 331 2006302 60049 20016,3%2 417

7 Development of energy prices

8 Prices and taxes for housing electricy 0.01 SEK/kWh, current prices YearPrice of energy TaxesTotal price Taxes in percent 199439,720,960,634,4% 200042,630,973,542,0% 200671,150,9122,041,7%

9 Compare administrative/regulative measures and price measures Energy savings Rate of innovation in energy saving techonologies Costs including rent seeking behavior

10 Design of environmental performance certificates? The Swedish environmental rating tool currently being implemented was jointly developed by the government, stakeholders and researchers It covers fewer assessment areas and fewer indicators of ”potentials” than BREEAM, LEED and Green Star. Low rating of one area can not be compensated by high ratings in another Will different systems result in different energy saving and rent effects? Is it meaningful to look for optimal performance certificates? Will a global standard emerge?

11 Information to users KTH, a real estate company and the Sthlm city is currently planning a series of information experiments Office employes will be offered daily information on their energy consumption in the office and when travelling The purpose is to find out if and to what extent energy consumption (and modal choice) is affected by different kinds of information

12 How green is green? Fölster and Nyström (2009): energy saving estimates should take account of potential behavioral responses/rebound effects Initial energy savings of 20% in transport and heating eventually led to increased carbon emissions with 5 % Research: ??

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