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XMM-Newton EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 1 XMM-Newton Future Instrument Operations Mallorca, 6 th -7 th November 2007 M. Casale, J.R. Muñoz.

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Presentation on theme: "XMM-Newton EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 1 XMM-Newton Future Instrument Operations Mallorca, 6 th -7 th November 2007 M. Casale, J.R. Muñoz."— Presentation transcript:

1 XMM-Newton EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 1 XMM-Newton Future Instrument Operations Mallorca, 6 th -7 th November 2007 M. Casale, J.R. Muñoz EPIC OCB Meeting

2 XMM-Newton EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 2 Summary Recap of major MEOR decisions at Instrument operations level Impact and status of the implementation –INSCON / SPACON evolution –Future activities at the SOC –Future activities at the MOC

3 XMM-Newton EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 3 XMM-Newton (Reduced) Operations Three major decisions were approved : 1)At the MOC: only one operator (SPACON) for XMM-Newton & Integral  Two teams merged into one  Reduction from 12 people to 6 (+ one pool spacon shared among all projects) 2)At the SOC: suppression of Real Time operations  No INSCONs  No RT (i.e. TM) link between MOC and SOC (but see later …)  Part of the responsibility on instrument operations (e.g. DB/IFOP maintenance) transferred to the MOC Engineers  Limited support by OSG team outside working hours to the operators.  Science data products generated off-line, through raw TM play-back 3)At the MOC: merge of the XMM-Newton & Integral Flight Control Teams  Reduction of the total number of Engineers  Sharing of Engineers for the on-call function

4 XMM-Newton EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 4 XMM-Newton Operations: major changes (1) Only one operator (SPACON) for XMM-Newton & Integral Target: 6 SPACONs for XMM-Newton & Integral as of 1 st January 2008 Current status:  12 SPACON s have been trained and certified to operate both S/Cs  As of 01/11/07 only one SPACON active with the second one in Standby (4 h each)  As of 01/01/08 the team will be reduced from 12 to 6  Potential overload of the SPACON will be partially resolved by the automated commanding function:  Currently being implemented in the XMCS SW  First SW delivery expected during these days  All changes at LELA level (e.g. generation of radiation parameter packets) implemented  All required actions for both Instruments & Service module fully specified  In order to resolve conflicts between XMM-Newton and Integral:  defined criticality for all instrument contingencies, as per “Risk analysis document”.  OOL cross-reference tables (MOC & SOC) updated accordingly

5 XMM-Newton EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 5 XMM-Newton: automated commanding function The automated commanding function and the EPIC’s: It will cover: Radiation alerts (Rad_Mon, instruments)  stop exposure / close FW EPIC time-out functions  reset counter (TBC)

6 XMM-Newton EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 6 XMM-Newton Operations: major changes (2) Suppression of RT operations at the SOC Target: No INSCONs as of 1 st January 2008 Current status:  Until 15/11/07 Inscons team of 5 people allowing 24 x 7 coverage  After 15/11/07 the team could potentially go down by 1/2  priority will be given to the time around perigee (before & after)  For the time the SOC will remain unmanned, the SPACON will be given the possibility of calling the SOC Operations Engineers (“pseudo on call service”).

7 XMM-Newton EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 7 XMM-Newton Operations: major changes (3) Suppression of RT operations at the SOC Target: Transfer of INSCONs tasks to SPACONs Current status :  Redistribution of Inscon tasks and responsibilities: RT tasks  The SPACONs are currently being trained to conduct instrument operations and to react to instrument contingencies as if the INSONs were not at the console (“hands off” role)  The exercise started on 08/10/07 and is proceeding satisfactorily  A “SPACON Training manual” was made available by the SOC beginning of October  ToO’s: Procedure being updated and transferred to the Astronomer on call (USG).

8 XMM-Newton EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 8 XMM-Newton Operations: major changes (4) Suppression of RT operations at the SOC Target: Transfer of INSCONs tasks to SPACONs Current status :  Redistribution of INSCON tasks and responsibilities: Auxiliary & Support tasks  Will be carried out by OSG team after the Reprocessing: e.g. OLB population, QLA Image inspection, check of FITS files integrity & assessment of science losses, etc (pmsfits will remain a first line product).  Reprocessing to be performed on the off-line raw TM delivered to SOC via ftp.

9 XMM-Newton EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 9 XMM-Newton Operations: major changes (5) Suppression of RT operations at the SOC Target: Transfer of Instrument Operations tasks to ESOC Current status: –the FCT at ESOC will assume part of the responsibilities on instrument operations (e.g. DB / IFOP maintenance, OCR preparation, etc) as of 1 st Jan 2008 –due to unexpected problems at the MOC, not all changes to the current layout will be in place until at least April 2008 –for this reason the Real-Time link between MOC and SOC will be maintained accordingly (and possibly in the future). –SPACON Electronic log-book accessible at any time through Web interface –Possibly one INSCON still available during a few months (TBC) –Training (theoretical, hands-on, …) on-going. –No change of Interface with respect to PIs

10 XMM-Newton EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 EPIC OCB, 6-Nov-2007 10 XMM-Newton Operations: major changes (6) Merge of the XMM-Newton & Integral FCTs Mostly transparent to the SOC Current Status:  Cross-training on Service Module subsystems mostly completed  Lectures on Instrument operations to INTEGRAL team by SOC  one day x instrument on instrument functionality (4 days in total)  2 days on System level aspects (eclipses, radiation, thermal aspects, etc)  Definition of redundant roles established but to be re-assessed

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