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FY 2010 Port Security Grant Program Grant Guidance Outreach Grant Programs Directorate and United States Coast Guard December 2009
2 Table of Contents Overview Application Post-Award Resources Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation (EHP) Compliance
3 FY 2010 Transportation Grant Programs Transportation Infrastructure Security Branch (TISB) Intercity Bus Security Grant Program (IBSGP) Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP) Freight Rail Security Grant Program (FRSGP) Intercity Passenger Rail (IPR) Overview The FY 2010 Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) is one of five grant programs within the Transportation Infrastructure Security Branch (TISB)
4 FY 2010 PSGP Authorizing Statutes - Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2010 (Public Law 111-83) - Section 102 of the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002, as amended (46 U.S.C. §70107) Period of Performance: 36 months Overview Available Funding GroupFY 2009FY 2010 Group I$210,649,989$172,800,000 Group II$140,014,000$86,400,000 Group III$17,592,011$14,400,000 All Other Port Areas$15,344,000$14,400,000 Ferry Systems$5,000,000 TOTAL$388,600,000$288,000,000 (p. 7)
5 FY 2010 PSGP Key Updates Overview No required cost sharing, matching, or cost participation Management and Administration (M&A) capped at 5% for grantees and 3% for sub grantees (p. 22) Investment Justifications (IJ) for Group I and II due 45 business days (April 19, 2010) after application deadline (p. 19-20) No designated Ferry appropriation (p. 9) - Ferries in Group I and II apply through designated FA - All other Ferries apply with Group III and All Other Port Areas Changes in allowable costs (p. 22-34) - Funding for standard operations vehicles utilized for routine duties, such as patrol cars and fire trucks, is no longer allowable - Funding for conducting vulnerability assessments to evaluate and make recommendations with respect to security is no longer allowable
6 FY 2010 PSGP Funding Priorities Overview 1.Enhancing Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) (p. 22) -Reflect regionalized approach, projects doing more than for just one port -Allows leaders to make effective decisions and act early against threats -Examples of projects: credentialing, communications, and enhanced intelligence sharing and analysis 2.Enhancing Improvised Explosive Device (IED) and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive (CBRNE) prevention, protection, response, and recovery capabilities (p. 23) -Of particular concern are IEDs delivered via small craft, underwater swimmers, or on ferries 3.Training and Exercises Must follow Area Maritime Security Training Exercise Program or the TSA ISTEP guidelines that test operational protocols (p. 24) -For clarification, visit or email 4.Efforts supporting implementation of the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) (p. 23) -Congressionally mandated security program for using secure ID cards for individuals requiring unescorted access to port facilities
7 Basic Eligibility Requirements Overview Group II Group III All Other Port Areas Funding Pools Group I Must be fully compliant with relevant Maritime Security Regulations (33 CFR Parts 101-106, MTSA Regulations) (p. 8) Must implement the National Incident Management System (NIMS) (p. 14) Congress directed the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to apply the funds to the highest risk ports (p. 9) - There are a total of 147 port areas aggregated into 91 discreet port funding areas eligible to apply for funds identified for each of the four PSGP funding pools There is no longer a separate 5 th funding pool for Ferry Systems
8 FY 2010 PSGP Timeline *Completed applications must be received on no later than 11:59pm EST, Friday, February 12, 2010 Overview December 8, 2009 December 31, 2009 February 12, 2010 April 19, 2010 Application Period Opens FA Decision Due Date Application Due Date IJ Submission (Groups I and II) on or before September 30, 2010 Award Announcement
9 The Fiduciary Agent (FA) Model (p. 15) Group I and II port areas must continue with the FA process and can either retain their current FA or select a new FA to deal specifically with FY 2010 award Newly identified Group II port areas can begin the FA process and select a FA or opt out of the FA process Group IIIs and All Other Port Areas do not need an FA and apply directly to FEMA Overview Submit Investment Justifications that align with approved Port Wide Risk Management Plan (PWRP) Submit IJ that align with respective Area Maritime Security Plan (AMSP), Facility Security Plan (FSP), or Vessel Security Plan (VSP) FAs with approved PWRP FAs without approved PWRP
10 How do I apply? All eligible entities must apply for funding through - Questions call (800) 518-4726; see FAQ Handout To access application: - Select “Apply for Grants,” then “Download Application Package” - Enter CFDA number (97.056) and/or the Funding Opportunity Number (DHS-10-GPD- 056-000-01 ) - Select “Download Application Package,” and follow prompts to download application package To access instructions: - Select “Apply for Grants,” then “Download Application Package,” then “Instructions” DUNS® Number - Verify have DUNS number, or take the steps necessary to obtain one ASAP - Applicants can receive a DUNS number at no cost by calling the DUNS number request line at (866) 705-5711 Valid Central Contractor Registry (CCR) Registration - Must confirm CCR registration at http://www.ccr.gov Completed applications must be received on by no later than 11:59pm EST, Friday, February 12, 2010 Application
11 Application Components (p. 18) IJ for projects Detailed Budget(s) containing only allowable costs MOUs/MOAs (if applicable) EHP Details (if available) Standard Forms (SF) ( - SF-424, Application for Federal Assistance - SF-424A, Budget Information - SF-424B, Assurances - SF-424C, Budget Information – Construction Form - SF-424D, Assurances – Construction Programs - SF-LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities - Lobbying Form – Certification Regarding Lobbying - Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters - Certification Regarding Drug-Free Workplace Requirements Application
12 Investment Justifications (IJ) (p. 19-20) Address each initiative being proposed for funding - Demonstrate how projects address gaps and deficiencies in current programs and capabilities - Demonstrate ability to provide enhancements consistent with the purpose of the PSGP program Separate IJ for each proposed project - Applicants within Group III or All Other Port Areas may apply for up to three projects - Due to nature of FA process, FAs are not limited to three projects All IJs must be consistent with all applicable requirements outlined in guidance IJ components: 1. Background 2. Strategic and program priorities 3. Impact 4. Funding and Implementation Plan IJ template provided in Part VIII of guidance Application
13 Detailed Budget (p. 20-21) Template provided in Part VIII of guidance (titled “Budget Detail Worksheet”) -While the format is not required, it is highly recommended that applicants use the template -Cost categories are required -Include quantity and cost SF 424A/C ( forms) do not replace the Detailed Budget requirement both the Detailed Budget AND the SF424 A/C must be submitted with the application Budget must be complete, reasonable, cost-effective, and provide the appropriate level of detail to clarify intent Budget provides the basis of computation of all project-related costs (including M&A) and any appropriate narrative Application
14 Allocation Announcement & Award Notification Final allocations are first announced by the Secretary no later then 60 days after the close of the application period - An Information Bulletin (IB) is distributed and includes a list of allocations to those entities receiving awards - The IB is sent out through AskCSID and posted to FEMA and HOMEPORT websites Official awards are made on a rolling basis and grantees receive an electronic notification on or before September 30, 2010 (p. 36) Grantees must officially accept award upon notification - Email includes instructions on how to access the award - Contact the GMS Help Desk to obtain username and password: 1-888-549-9901 Application
15 Financial and Programmatic Reporting (p. 46-49) Federal Financial Reports (FFR) are required quarterly SF-425 - SF-425 replaces the SF-269 - Must be filed online through the PARS website - Reporting periods and due dates: October 1 through December 31, due January 30 January 1 through March 31, due April 30 April 1 through June 30, due July 30 July 1 through September 30, due October 30 Financial and Compliance Audit Report – it is suggested to keep financial information 3 years after award closeout Semi-Annual Progress Report (SAPR) - Formerly titled CAPR - Reporting periods and due dates: January 1 through June 30, due July 30 July 1 though December 31, due January 30 Post-Award
16 IB #TitleDescription IB 329 Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation Requirements for Grants Provides guidance for those programs that will fund communication towers, physical security enhancements, new construction, renovation, and modifications to buildings or structures. Project descriptions are required to be submitted to GPD electronically via the Centralized Scheduling and Information Desk (CSID) at prior to the initiation of the IB 293 Repair and Replacement Costs within PSGP Rescinds replacement costs as unallowable costs within the FY 2007, FY 2007 Supplemental, and FY 2008 PSGP IB 193 Cooperative Training Outreach Program (CO-OP) Designed to decentralize first responder training and to facilitate access to ODP courses in a cost effective manner and augment the capacity of States, territories, and tribal entities to deliver SLGCP/ODP (hereinafter “SLGCP”) courses IB 333 Use of Standard Form (SF) 425, Federal Financial Report, in lieu of SF-269, SF-269A, SF-272, and SF-272A for Recipient Financial Reporting SF-425, also known as the Federal Financial Report (FFR), replace the SF- 269, SF-269A, SF-272, and SF-272A, currently used by Federal grant recipients to report the financial status of grant funds and cash transactions using grant funds. Beginning October 1, 2009, all Federal agencies and Federal grant recipients will be required to use the SF-425 for financial reporting. IB 336 Maintenance CostsUsing FEMA preparedness grant funds for maintenance contracts and warranties, repair and replacement costs, upgrades, and user fees is allowable. If your program previously purchased these items with State or local funds, those funds cannot be replaced with Federal grant funding. Resources Information Bulletins (IB)
17 MT WY ID WA OR NV UT CA AZ ND SD NE CO NM TX OK KS AR LA MO IA MN WI IL IN KY TN MS AL FL SC NC WV OH MI NY PA MD DE NJ CT RI MA ME VT NH AK HI VA Guam Northern Mariana Islands American Samoa Puerto Rico Virgin Island X IX VI IV III I I II V VII VIII Tier I Port Area Jackie Jackson (202) 786-9513 Kathleen Steinle (202) 746-5652 Venita Lane (202) 786-9470 GA WV Alex Berberian (202) 786-9474 Rene Phillips (202) 786-9735 Duane Davis Acting Section Chief (202) 786-9533 Resources Jeff Hall (202) 786-9778 PSGP Program Analyst State Assignments
18 Program Office Contact Information NameRoleEmail Address Alex MrazikTISB Branch Duane DavisActing Section Kathleen BakerProgram Alex BerberianProgram Rene PhillipsProgram Jackie JacksonProgram Venita LaneProgram Jeff HallProgram Resources
19 Contact Information Resources Question Regarding:Contact Information 518-4726 Application process; financial-related; pre- and post-award administration; technical assistance; PARS (866) 927-5646 Program-specific questions (800) 368-6498 DUNS number(866) 705-5711 CCR Registration GMS Help(888) 549-9901 Training and Exercises (202) 786-9873
20 Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation (EHP) Compliance (p. 43-45) EHP Compliance
21 What is an EHP Review? Involves an analysis of pertinent project information used to determine the appropriate amount of documentation required for EHP compliance All projects funded with Federal grant dollars must comply with EHP laws, regulations, and Executive Orders Projects must be EHP approved before initiation GPD certifies that a grant-funded project is in compliance with applicable EHP laws, regulations, and Executive Orders Complex projects will typically require more information to reach a determination EHP Compliance
22 EHP Laws and Executive Orders NEPA National Historic Preservation Act Endangered Species Act Resource Conservation & Recovery Act Clean Water Act Coastal Zone Management Act Coastal Barrier Resources Act Clean Air Act Executive Orders: Environmental Justice Floodplains Wetlands EHP Compliance
23 What are EHP Considerations? Endangered Species Cultural Resources Historic properties Archaeological sites Air and Water Quality Noise Fish, Habitat & Wildlife Floodplains Wetlands Coastal Zones Agricultural Lands Environmental Justice Socioeconomic Resources Land Use Hazardous Materials Traffic Geology ( Topography, Soils) EHP Compliance
24 Floodplains and Wetlands Avoid to the extent possible adverse impacts to wetlands and actions within or affecting floodplains If there is a reasonable alternative outside the wetland or floodplain, FEMA will not fund the project within the wetland or floodplain If the project impacts or may impact wetlands or a floodplain you should submit: - Section 404 and Section 10 permits (Wetlands) - National Wetlands Inventory Map showing project location - FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) showing project location EHP Compliance
25 Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) Goals: - Reduce uncontrolled development on islands, beaches, salt marshes, transitional or inter-tidal areas, and other coastal areas Applicability: - States with a shoreline in the coastal zone or ones that border the Great Lakes - All states in the coastal zone have a Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) - Be aware of the states CZMP and ensure that your project is in compliance EHP Compliance
26 Importance of Compliance Compliance Non-Compliance Protection of natural and cultural resources Improved project planning Cost efficient Programmatic and financial compliance Efficient project implementation Improved community relations Project delays De-obligation of funding Negative publicity Civil penalties Lawsuits EHP Compliance
27 GPD EHP Review Process Grantees are responsible for providing all relevant EHP materials to GPD Grant funds may be used for preparation of EHP documentation FEMA may be required to consult with State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), etc. EHP Compliance
28 Roles and Responsibilities Grantees - Responsible for EHP compliance - Submittal of all EHP review packets to GPD GPD Program Analysts (PA) - Point of contact between the grantee, GPD-EHP Team, and Regional Environmental Officer (REO) - Approval of projects with no potential for environmental and/or historic preservation impacts (Type A) EHP Compliance
29 Roles and Responsibilities GPD-EHP Team - Point of contact for PAs and REOs - Approval of projects with no potential for environmental and/or historic preservation impacts if certain conditions apply (Type B) REO - Review and approval of project with potential for environmental and/or historic preservation impacts (Type C) - Responsible for State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) consultation, with the assistance if necessary from GPD - Liaison with grantees and GPD EHP Compliance
30 Type A Projects Projects with no potential for environmental and/or historic preservation impacts: - Planning - Classroom-based training and exercises - Field-based training at existing facilities with established procedures - Personnel - Mobile and portable equipment (PPE, radios, etc.), vehicles, and other equipment that does not require any installation EHP Compliance
31 Type B Projects Projects with no potential for environmental and/or historic preservation impacts if certain conditions apply Examples include: - Physical security enhancements - Equipment installation (structures less than 50 yrs old) e.g. physical security/access controls Typical questions - Does the project involve new ground disturbance or clearance of vegetation? - Does project utilize existing infrastructure? - Will work occur in the vicinity of historic properties? - Will work occur in or near water? EHP Compliance
32 Type C Projects Projects that may have the potential for environmental and/or historic preservation impacts: - Additional analysis and documentation may be required to adequately address the impacts in compliance with applicable EHP laws and regulations - Environmental Assessments (EAs), Biological Assessments (BAs), or Memoranda of Agreement (MOAs) may be required - Public involvement may be required EHP Compliance
33 Type C Example: Modification of Buildings & Structures 50 + Years Old Equipment installation (e.g. physical security/access controls) on, in, or in the vicinity of historic buildings, piers, bridges, etc. Building renovation/hardening (e.g. doors, gates, windows) EHP Compliance
34 EHP Review Packet A complete EHP review packet will provide the necessary information to expedite the EHP review What are the required contents? - Detailed project description - Physical address of structure/facility or lat/long - Clear color photographs (ground-level and aerial) - Dimensions/acreage/square footage of structure and/or land affected - Extent and depth of ground disturbance for: New construction and structure modification Utility line placement Fencing, light posts, etc., installations - Height of communication towers - Special equipment being used, staging areas, etc. - Year building or structure was built (to include buildings or structures that are in the vicinity) EHP Compliance
35 GPD EHP Updates CSID point of entry for all EHP review packets Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) Screening Memo (see CD) Authorized Equipment List (AEL) - Updated to reflect appropriate equipment EHP Mailbox - For EHP related questions EHP Compliance
36 Tips for a Timely EHP Review A clear and descriptive project description, with clear color photos and maps Submit materials as soon as you receive your award notice or in your planning phase Include any previous Master Plans or other environmental documentation What work is being proposed, where will it take place, and how will it be carried out? EHP Compliance
37 EHP Points of Contact NameContact Information Adria Martínez 202-286-2566 Marquietta Brian Krevor Emily Marshall CSID 800-368-6498 GPD EHP EHP Compliance
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