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Welfare implications of the introduction of Zero for zero Proposal to Doha Olu Oyewumi & Charles Adjasi.

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Presentation on theme: "Welfare implications of the introduction of Zero for zero Proposal to Doha Olu Oyewumi & Charles Adjasi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welfare implications of the introduction of Zero for zero Proposal to Doha Olu Oyewumi & Charles Adjasi

2 Intro Zero for zero proposal omitted in the initial Doha scenarios Subsets of Ag. Comm. & Nonag. Comm. depicting Z-Z and non-Z-Z products introduced in the cmfstart file. Shocks redefined to apply initial Doha to non-Z-Z and an additional shock representing Z-Z to cars, wheat …

3 Methodology

4 Total Welfare Welfare EffectsThe main net gainers from ZZ are ROW, LDC, Japan, EU China The US is the major loser-plausible reason could be the reduction in domestic protection rates in the US

5 Welfare Decomposition

6 Allocative efficiency Effect


8 Trade effect: cars

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