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CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding Claus Brabrand, Ph.D. ((( ))) DAIMI, Dept. of Computer Science University of Aarhus Film: ((( )))
[ 2 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 CBS/LL - talk instructions Hej Claus.jan 10, 2007 Jeg blander mig lige mht. indholdet af seminaret og din forberedelse. På seminarerne lægges der op til en uhøjtidlig og uformel samtale mellem de fremmødte om det emne som nu er på dagsordnen. Jeg plejer at understrege overfor oplægsholderne at de ikke skal se det som en traditionel fremlæggelse men blot nogle markante stikord så der kommer en diskussion igang. Læg derfor ikke mange kræfter i forberedelserne men kom med et par gode markante udsagn. Så kan debatten nuancere og udvikle sig. Michael Pedersen Kære Clausjan 10, 2007 Jeg regner med, at du - efter at være blevet præsenteret - holder et oplæg om hvorfor du har lavet filmen. Når vi har set filmen, synes jeg blot at vi skal få en diskussion i gang. Hvordan det så skal foregå må vi lige finde ud af. Jens Tofteskov
[ 3 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 Mini Seminar Outline (30/1) Introduction: Why make the film? Screening (19 min) Let's watch the film... About the film: More information about the film? Implementing Alignment: How to implement alignment (and course descriptions) Discussion: Q'n'A and discussion: "The answer is Constructive Alignment" !? 1 2 3 4 5
CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 Introduction Why make the film ? 1
[ 5 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 Why make the film...? Attended 5-day intensive pedagogy course: Sandbjerg, Southern Jutland J. Biggs
[ 6 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 Tremendous Knowledge Gap GAP What the teachers know about teaching What the researchers know about teaching
[ 7 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 New perspective on my own teaching
[ 8 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 Started giving seminars Seminars:
[ 9 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007...slowly turned into the film
CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 Let's watch the film... 2
CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 About the film More information about the film 3
[ 12 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 Production Manuscript (fall 2005 -- june 22, 2006) Casting Planning (incl. location-spotting) Filming (incl. audio, graphics,...) Editing manuscript (15-22/6) casting (29/6) filming/audio/graphics (11-22/8) rough editing (17-23/8) planning/location-spotting (9-10/8) juneaugust september october released (26/10) biggs correction+epilogue (20/10) editing/intro/outro (24/8-8/9) vacation
[ 13 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 Post Production Award/press Translation Subtitles and DVD Menu (incl. epilogue) Graphic cover design DVD printing november december award/press (13-17/11) translation: 7 lang's (15-27/11) menu/subtitles (21/11-8/12) cover/disc design (22/11-8/12) printing (11-21/12) advertizing january vacation
[ 14 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 University servers: teaching.mov1680 views (online) teaching.m4v 964 views (online) Google video: views (online) TOTAL*: 7782 views (online) *) excl. local distribution, public screenings,... Statistics Non-profit sales: 1551 DVDs...since its release: Dec. 21, '06 Online of (Jan. 28, '07) DVDs
[ 15 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 Award "The Golden Ratio" award, 2006: Jury: Danish film and pedagogy experts The production conveys substantial insights from the area of didactics (university studies in education). It is a basis for a discussion about three perspectives on higher education; the students' activities, the teachers' activities, and the subject matter to be taught and learned. It is intended for teachers and students at higher educational institutions. It is an exemplary basis for reflection with good identificational opportunities for the target audience. In about twenty minutes it manages to convey a complicated message in a very well-structured and thought-provoking way. One of the mechanisms used is humour; another, images and graphics. It is not just a 'double portrayal', where images and spoken words elicit the same information in two different ways. On the contrary, sound, image, and graphic elements are brought together elegantly forming one united expression. Statement from the award jury:
[ 16 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 Languages Covered (on DVD) English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, and Danish.
[ 17 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 Homepage
[ 18 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 Interactive Version
CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 Implementing Alignment 4
[ 20 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 The Million Dollar Question... "The million-dollar question": “How do we make sure students learn what we want them to” ? Answer: “Alignment”: Clear learning objectives Objectives Exam assessment Teaching form...and tell this to the students ('day one')
[ 21 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 Definition: “Good Teaching” Definition: Good news: We now know how to do this: Alignment!!! Discourage surface-learning! Encourage depth-learning! “Less-is-more”: depth rather than breadth of coverage! Explicitly defined course objectives (as verbs)! ”Good teaching is getting most students to use the higher cognitive level processes that the more academic students use spontaneously” -- “Teaching for Quality Learning at University”, John Biggs, 2003
[ 22 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 How to Implement Alignment Process (making a course description): 1) Contemplate thoroughly: overall purpose of course; What should students learn? 2) Operationalize goals: as learning objectives (SOLO competences) 3a) Choose appropriate form of evaluation (wrt. learning obj.) 3b) Choose appropriate form of teaching (wrt. learning obj.) alignment can be difficult
[ 23 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 'Contents' as learning objectives ? What is the problem with contents as learning objectives ?!? reason theorize describe analyze identify describe Stud. C Stud. A Stud. B analyze reason analyze reason Censor Teacher Even if we were to agree the on course objectives, we now know that it is the exam that really counts tacit knowledge (not known by stud.) agreement Learning objectives? To learn about: differentiation integration linear algebra complex numbers...
[ 24 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 'Understanding' as learning objectives ? Why not use understanding as a learning objectives ?!? The answer is simple : differential equations ?! Learning objectives? To understand: differentiation integration linear algebra complex numbers... It cannot be evaluated(!)
[ 25 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 'Competences' as learning objectives ! Evaluation = Have the student do something, and then evaluate the product and/or process 'SOLO' = Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome Note: inherently operational (~ verbs) Learning objectives ! After the course, the student is expected to be able to: apply method.. prove properties.. analyze...... Note: 'understanding' is obviously a prerequisite (!)
[ 26 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 'SOLO' Advantages 'SOLO' advantages: Developed specifically for research-based university education Converges on research (at SOLO 5) S OLO 1 no understanding irrelevant information misses point ... S OLO 2 S OLO 3 S OLO 4 S OLO 5 "pre-structural" to identify to do procedure to recite ... "uni-structural" to classify to combine to enumerate ... "multi-structural" to relate to compare to analyze ... "relational" to generalize to hypothesize to theorize ... "extended abstract" depth (qualitative levels) surface (quantitative levels)
[ 27 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 SOLO (verb list) "extended abstract" "relational" "multi structural" & "uni structural" to theorize to hypothesize to generalize to criticize (theory) to put into perspective to apply theory (to 'near' problems) to reason (reach conclusion) to explain (årsag-virkning) to explain (ligheder-forskelle) to explain (styrker-svagheder) to structure to combine to classify to collate to describe to perform procedure to apply theory (to 'distant' problems) to predict to reflect to judge (scientific evidence) to discuss (scientific evidence) S OLO 2 + 3 S OLO 4 S OLO 5 to analyze to argue to relate to compare to integrate to paraphrase to recount to enumerate to name to identify to recite
CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 Discussion... The answer is 'Constructive Alignment' ?!? 5
CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 BONUS SLIDES
[ 30 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 Teacher’s intention Student’s activity Exam’s assessment e.g. - explain - relate - prove - apply e.g. - memorize - describe U NALIGNED C OURSE e.g. - memorize - describe "Dealing with the test"
[ 31 ] CBS/LL, Copenhagen Claus Brabrand on "Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding"JAN 30, 2007 Teacher’s intention Student’s activity Exam’s assessment e.g. - explain - relate - prove - apply A LIGNED C OURSE e.g. - explain - relate - prove - apply e.g. - explain - relate - prove - apply e.g. - explain - relate - prove - apply e.g. - explain - relate - prove - apply
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