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The MOSS Camera on H-1NF Clive Michael John Howard PRL,RSPhysSE,ANU Outline: MOSS (Modulated Optical Solid-State Spectrometer) Camera imaging Results and.

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Presentation on theme: "The MOSS Camera on H-1NF Clive Michael John Howard PRL,RSPhysSE,ANU Outline: MOSS (Modulated Optical Solid-State Spectrometer) Camera imaging Results and."— Presentation transcript:

1 The MOSS Camera on H-1NF Clive Michael John Howard PRL,RSPhysSE,ANU Outline: MOSS (Modulated Optical Solid-State Spectrometer) Camera imaging Results and interpretation acknowledgements: B. Blackwell, A. Cheetham, R. Davies, J. Wach

2 Instrument measures: H Spectroscopic measurement of ION/ATOM: U TEMPERATURE U FLOW SPEED U SPECTRAL LINE INTENSITY H SPATIAL & TIME RESOLVED H VIEWING CHORD EMISSION WEIGHTED H spectroscopically, from DOPPLER BROADENING of transition radiation

3 MOSS Spectrometer is a Pockel’s cell Fixed delay, modulated Fourier transform spectrometer N 0 ~ 1000-5000, N 1 =1/4

4 Fringe contrast Fringe phase Measurement principle H Contrast => Temperature H Phase => Flow

5 H Achieves 2-D Imaging U Light collection simple H MOSS has capability for a wide field of view U Camera takes advantage of this H Compact and simple H MOSS uses large aperture optics, Grating spectrometer images through very thin slit Motivation for camera: to have multi- channel experiment

6 Camera Imaging principle

7 Field of View and etendue Contrast rolls of slowly. Contrast falls off fast! Usable field of view Phase pattern in detector plane

8 Field of View and etendue

9 Specifications Field of View  plasma :6 deg Number of Channels:16 Aperture:50mm Spectral Resolution :1/5000 (configurable from 1/20000 to 1/1000) Detector array:Multi-anode PMT f 1 is fixed. f 2 is chosen so that  camera =  plasma


11 Instrumentation

12 A Typical Temperature Profile H Ti Profile “Hollow” U implies ion heating in edge H Centre Ti rises slower than edge U Ion-Ion equilibration time: 2ms: comparable to rise time in centre U Ions are heated at edge and heat diffuses towards centre Aside: potential profile evolves on same timescale as Ion temperature


14 Abel inversion: Projection->Profile Camera FIR Interferometer Light intensity Fringe contrast (Temperature) Double inversion necessary H Transport studies: Assume flux surfaces have same T, I, n e H Combine MOSS Camera and FIR interferometer for studies of U Force balance U Ion transport studies (RF modulation,...) 

15 Conclusions H MOSS Camera has etendue orders of magnitude higher than traditional grating spectrometers H Field widening improves FOV by ~15 H Interesting and (Challenging) results => U Hollow temperature profile U Low rotation H Radial profiles -> Transport studies U RF modulation U Why are ions hot?

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