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Table Dancer Final Design Presentation 10/20/04 Team Members: Ryan Gray Dale Williams Emeric Rochford Dan Beard.

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Presentation on theme: "Table Dancer Final Design Presentation 10/20/04 Team Members: Ryan Gray Dale Williams Emeric Rochford Dan Beard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Table Dancer Final Design Presentation 10/20/04 Team Members: Ryan Gray Dale Williams Emeric Rochford Dan Beard

2 Primary Objective Design a machine to navigate the perimeter of a tabletop. Navigate table with no direct user input Complete a predetermined number of labs before stopping Ryan

3 Solution HC08 microcontroller Dual motor controller Twin motor propulsion, skid steering Touch based sensor navigation (left, right) Optical lap counter IR on/off control Ryan

4 System Overview Emeric

5 Mechanical Overview Twin Motor Twin Wheels Skid Steer Angle Detecting Feeler Arm Corner Stabilizers Emeric

6 Side View Emeric


8 Assembled Robot

9 Position Sensor Dale

10 Position Sensor Calculations Dale

11 Travel Rate Calculations Expected Speed 6 ft/min Gear Ratio: 203:1 Wheel Size: 2in Diameter Equation: [(72in/min)/((π)(Diameter))] X (Gear Ratio)=Motor Speed Motor Speed: 2327RPM Dale

12 Electrical Overview Dale

13 Sensor Tests Test Results for Phototransistor QRB1134 ColorDistance (Inches)Voltage (V)Normally Open White0.5"2 V5 V 0.125".2 V Dark Blue0.5"3.2 V5 V 0.125"1.2 V Black0.5"3.4 V5 V 0.125"3.2 V Dark Brown Wood Grain0.5"3.2 V5 V 0.125"1.2V Emeric  Tested for performance of sensor on various colors  Tests showed the sensor will work on anticipated surfaces

14 Interface Diagram Dan

15 Software Overview Dan

16 Programming Board Dan

17 Emeric

18 Budget Part #DescriptionQuantityTotal 161022Twin motor Gear box1$11.50 MC68HC908HC08/ Programming board1$35.00 N/ATwin motor driver board1$10.00 496X28VRLego tires2$0.80 QRB1143Inferred sensor1$0.97 N/AMisc. Hardware1$5.00 Total Cost $63.27 Ryan

19 Functionality Current Level of functionality is as follows: Initialize program Initialize program Enter number of laps Enter number of laps Drive system operational Drive system operational (Tested using the 68HC12 micro controller with manual interface.) Ryan

20 Questions?

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