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CIT/MITLIGO-G030272-00-P1 Advanced LIGO Operating Budget (FY 2009) Philip E. Lindquist NSF Review of Advanced LIGO June 11-13, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "CIT/MITLIGO-G030272-00-P1 Advanced LIGO Operating Budget (FY 2009) Philip E. Lindquist NSF Review of Advanced LIGO June 11-13, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIT/MITLIGO-G030272-00-P1 Advanced LIGO Operating Budget (FY 2009) Philip E. Lindquist NSF Review of Advanced LIGO June 11-13, 2003

2 CIT/MITLIGO-G030272-00-P2 Summary Prepared an analysis of costs to operate Advanced LIGO circa FY 2009 »FY2009 is projected first year of operations »Analysis done at summary level with detail provided by task managers Analysis based on: »The current operating budgets for FY 2003 »The proposal budgets for FY 2006 »Data provided by task managers for –Livingston Observatory –Hanford Observatory –Technical and Engineering Support –Detector Support –Data Analysis and Computing Funding in FY 2006 under cooperative agreement is $33 million Original proposal amount was $34.7 million in FY 2006

3 CIT/MITLIGO-G030272-00-P3 Approach Identify various sources of potential cost estimate increases: Basic LIGO—Escalation (3 percent) Initial LIGO Request »Original request of $175 million vs. funding of $160 million Initial LIGO New Items »Based on current experience »Needed whether there is an Advanced LIGO or not Advanced LIGO Increment »Increased complexity »Expanded scientific mission

4 CIT/MITLIGO-G030272-00-P4 Basic LIGO Escalation (3 percent) $33.0 million planned in FY 2006 $33.0 million x (1.03) 3 => $36.1 million

5 CIT/MITLIGO-G030272-00-P5 Original LIGO Request Original LIGO Proposal for FY 2006 was $34.7 million »$175 million proposal was funded at $160 million by NSF »Items removed included outreach, staffing for detector support and data analysis, high speed data transfer Escalation $34.7 x (1.03) 3 => $37.9 6.0 FTEs

6 CIT/MITLIGO-G030272-00-P6 Initial LIGO Additions Required based on current experience (whether or not there is an Advanced LIGO) »Increased staff and equipment for 24-7 operations »Additional support for detector, data analysis and computing This is a new national facility These increases would be proposed in the renewal request for FY 2007

7 CIT/MITLIGO-G030272-00-P7 Initial LIGO Additions WBSDescriptionFTEsAmount ($K) 1.4Detector—increased staff3.4387 1.5.1Data Analysis—increased staff1.0202 1.5.1Data Analysis—hardware/software586 1.5.3General Computing—increased staff2.0404 1.5.3General Computing—hardware/software236 3.1Livingston—increased staff2.0347 3.3Livingston—increased cryogenics cost50 3.7Livingston—increased site support19 AllRate adjustments (indirect, benefits)1,808 1.1.2Contingency1,463 Total8.45,501

8 CIT/MITLIGO-G030272-00-P8 Advanced LIGO Increment Additional staff and maintenance costs Expanded scientific mission Increased complexity of detector systems Increased complexity of data analysis systems

9 CIT/MITLIGO-G030272-00-P9 Advanced LIGO Increment WBSDescriptionFTEsAmount ($K) 1.3Tech & Engr Support—increased staff1.5274 1.3Tech & Engr Support—equipment167 1.3Tech & Engr Support—supplies840 1.4Detector—increased staff1.0180 1.4Detector—equipment50 1.5.1Data Analysis—increased staff4.0728 1.5.1Data Analysis—hardware maintenance1,291 1.5.1Data Analysis—software119 1.5.2Modeling—increased staff1.0167 2.1Hanford—increased staff2.5364 2.11Hanford—CDS hardware maintenance2,572 3.1Livingston—increased staff2.5364 3.11Livingston—CDS hardware maintenance1,225 4.0MIT—increased staff1.0200 1.1.2Contingency440 Total13.58,981

10 CIT/MITLIGO-G030272-00-P10 FY 2009 Operating Cost Estimate FTEsAmount ($M) FY 2006 Budget179$ 33.0 Escalation3.1 FY 2009 Basic17936.1 Restore Proposed Levels61.9 New Estimate Initial LIGO85.5 Subtotal for Initial LIGO19343.5 Increment for Advanced LIGO149.0 FY 2009 Total (escalated)207$ 52.4

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