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Factors important in selecting a journal. Importance of journal features.

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Presentation on theme: "Factors important in selecting a journal. Importance of journal features."— Presentation transcript:

1 Factors important in selecting a journal

2 Importance of journal features

3 Preprint and reprint archives Preprint archives are important Deposit articles in preprint archives Reprint archives are important Deposit articles in reprint archives Bus/mgmt 3386611 Chem 337629 Earth Sci 194446 Eng/Math 39186416 Life Sci 205618 Med/Vet 296695 Physics 55326216 Psych, S.Sci 2446111 Total32116211

4 Concerns about electronic journals

5 Importance of the peer review process

6 Importance of publishers’ roles FactorResponses as authorsResponses as readers Peer review8180 Gathering articles together to enable browsing of content 6449 Selection of relevant and quality-controlled content 7154 Content editing and improvement of articles 6039 Language or copy editing5034 Checking of citations/adding links 4628 Marketing (maximising visibility of journal) 4420

7 Importance of future dissemination channels Dissemination methodVery important plus important categories Ranking Traditional print + electronic journal911 Discipline-based electronic reprint archive782 Traditional print journal773 Traditional electronic-only journal664 Institution-based electronic reprint archive605 New forms of electronic-only journal496 Discipline-based electronic preprint archive 447 Institution-based electronic preprint archive 338

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